Source code for filter_functions.basis

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#     filter_functions
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This module defines the Basis class, a subclass of NumPy's ndarray, to
represent operator bases.

    The operator basis as an array of  shape (d**2, d, d) with d the
    dimension of the Hilbert space

    Function to normalize a ``Basis`` instance
    Function to expand an array of operators in a given basis
    Fast function to expand an array of operators in a Generalized
    Gell-Mann basis


from itertools import product
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import opt_einsum as oe
from numpy import linalg as nla
from numpy.core import ndarray
from scipy import linalg as sla
from sparse import COO

from . import util

__all__ = ['Basis', 'expand', 'ggm_expand', 'normalize']

[docs]class Basis(ndarray): r""" Class for operator bases. There are several ways to instantiate a Basis object: - by just calling this constructor with a (possibly incomplete) array of basis matrices. No checks regarding orthonormality or hermiticity are performed. - by calling one of the classes alternative constructors (classmethods): - :meth:`pauli`: Pauli operator basis - :meth:`ggm`: Generalized Gell-Mann basis - :meth:`from_partial` Generate an complete basis from partial elements These bases guarantee the following properties: - hermitian - orthonormal - [traceless] (can be controlled by a flag) Since Basis is a subclass of NumPy's ``ndarray``, it inherits all of its attributes, e.g. ``shape``. The following attributes behave slightly differently to a ndarray, however - ``A == B`` is ``True`` if all elements evaluate almost equal, i.e. equivalent to ``np.allclose(A, B)``. - ``basis.T`` transposes the last two axes of ``basis``. For a full basis, this corresponds to transposing each element individually. For a basis element, it corresponds to normal transposition. Parameters ---------- basis_array: array_like, shape (n, d, d) An array or list of square matrices that are elements of an operator basis spanning :math:`\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}`. *n* should be smaller than or equal to *d**2*. traceless: bool, optional (default: auto) Controls whether a traceless basis is forced. Here, traceless means that the first element of the basis is the identity and the remaining elements are matrices of trace zero. If an element of ``basis_array`` is neither traceless nor the identity and ``traceless == True``, an exception will be raised. Defaults to ``True`` if basis_array is traceless and ``False`` if not. btype: str, optional (default: ``'custom'``) A string describing the basis type. For example, a basis created by the factory method :meth:`pauli` has *btype* 'pauli'. labels: sequence of str, optional A list of labels for the individual basis elements. Defaults to 'C_0', 'C_1', ... Attributes ---------- Other than the attributes inherited from ``ndarray``, a ``Basis`` instance has the following attributes: btype: str Basis type. labels: sequence of str The labels for the basis elements. d: int Dimension of the space spanned by the basis. H: Basis Hermitian conjugate. isherm: bool If the basis is hermitian. isorthonorm: bool If the basis is orthonormal. istraceless: bool If the basis is traceless except for an identity element iscomplete: bool If the basis is complete, ie spans the full space. sparse: COO, shape (n, d, d) Representation in the COO format supplied by the ``sparse`` package. four_element_traces: COO, shape (n, n, n, n) Traces over all possible combinations of four elements of self. This is required for the calculation of the error transfer matrix and thus cached in the Basis instance. Most of the attributes above are properties which are lazily evaluated and cached. Methods ------- Other than the methods inherited from ``ndarray``, a ``Basis`` instance has the following methods: normalize(b) Normalizes the basis (used internally when creating a basis from elements) tidyup(eps_scale=None) Cleans up floating point errors in-place to make zeros actual zeros. ``eps_scale`` is an optional argument multiplied to the data type's ``eps`` to get the absolute tolerance. """ def __new__(cls, basis_array: Sequence, traceless: Optional[bool] = None, btype: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> 'Basis': """Constructor.""" if not hasattr(basis_array, '__getitem__'): raise TypeError('Invalid data type. Must be array_like') if isinstance(basis_array, cls): basis = basis_array else: try: # Allow single 2d element if len(basis_array.shape) == 2: basis_array = [basis_array] except AttributeError: pass basis = util.parse_operators(basis_array, 'basis_array') if basis.shape[0] > np.product(basis.shape[1:]): raise ValueError('Given overcomplete set of basis matrices. ' 'Not linearly independent.') basis = basis.view(cls) basis.btype = btype or 'Custom' basis.d = basis.shape[-1] if labels is not None: if len(labels) != len(basis): raise ValueError(f'Got {len(labels)} basis labels but expected {len(basis)}') basis.labels = labels else: basis.labels = [f'$C_{{{i}}}$' for i in range(len(basis))] return basis def __array_finalize__(self, basis: 'Basis') -> None: """Required for subclassing ndarray.""" if basis is None: return self.btype = getattr(basis, 'btype', 'Custom') self.labels = getattr(basis, 'labels', [f'$C_{{{i}}}$' for i in range(len(basis))]) self.d = getattr(basis, 'd', basis.shape[-1]) self._sparse = None self._four_element_traces = None self._isherm = None self._isorthonorm = None self._istraceless = None self._iscomplete = None self._eps = np.finfo(complex).eps self._atol = self._eps*self.d**3 self._rtol = 0 def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Compare for equality.""" try: if self.shape != other.shape: return False except AttributeError: # Not ndarray return np.equal(self, other) return np.allclose(self.view(ndarray), other.view(ndarray), atol=self._atol, rtol=self._rtol) def __contains__(self, item: ndarray) -> bool: """Implement 'in' operator.""" return any(np.isclose(item.view(ndarray), self.view(ndarray), rtol=self._rtol, atol=self._atol).all(axis=(1, 2))) def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): """ Fixes problem that ufuncs return 0-d arrays instead of scalars. """ if out_arr.ndim: return ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context) def _print_checks(self) -> None: """Print checks for debug purposes.""" checks = ('isherm', 'istraceless', 'iscomplete', 'isorthonorm') for check in checks: print(check, ':\t', getattr(self, check)) @property def isherm(self) -> bool: """Returns True if all basis elements are hermitian.""" if self._isherm is None: self._isherm = (self.H == self) return self._isherm @property def isorthonorm(self) -> bool: """Returns True if basis is orthonormal.""" if self._isorthonorm is None: # All the basis is orthonormal iff the matrix consisting of all # d**2 elements written as d**2-dimensional column vectors is # unitary. if self.ndim == 2 or len(self) == 1: # Only one basis element self._isorthonorm = True else: # Size of the result after multiplication dim = self.shape[0] U = self.reshape((dim, -1)) actual = U.conj() @ U.T target = np.identity(dim) atol = self._eps*(self.d**2)**3 self._isorthonorm = np.allclose(actual.view(ndarray), target, atol=atol, rtol=self._rtol) return self._isorthonorm @property def istraceless(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if basis is traceless except for possibly the identity. """ if self._istraceless is None: trace = np.einsum('...jj', self) trace = util.remove_float_errors(trace, self.d**2) nonzero = trace.nonzero() if nonzero[0].size == 0: self._istraceless = True elif nonzero[0].size == 1: # Single element has nonzero trace, check if (proportional to) # identity elem = self[nonzero][0].view(ndarray) if self.ndim == 3 else self.view(ndarray) offdiag_nonzero = elem[~np.eye(self.d, dtype=bool)].nonzero() diag_equal = np.diag(elem) == elem[0, 0] if diag_equal.all() and not offdiag_nonzero[0].any(): # Element is (proportional to) the identity, this we define # as 'traceless' since a complete basis cannot have only # traceless elems. self._istraceless = True else: # Element not the identity, therefore not traceless self._istraceless = False else: self._istraceless = False return self._istraceless @property def iscomplete(self) -> bool: """Returns True if basis is complete.""" if self._iscomplete is None: A = self.reshape(self.shape[0], -1) rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) self._iscomplete = rank == self.d**2 return self._iscomplete @property def H(self) -> 'Basis': """Return the basis hermitian conjugated element-wise.""" return self.T.conj() @property def T(self) -> 'Basis': """Return the basis transposed element-wise.""" if self.ndim == 3: return self.transpose(0, 2, 1) if self.ndim == 2: return self.transpose(1, 0) return self @property def sparse(self) -> COO: """Return the basis as a sparse COO array""" if self._sparse is None: self._sparse = COO.from_numpy(self) return self._sparse @property def four_element_traces(self) -> COO: r""" Return all traces of the form :math:`\mathrm{tr}(C_i C_j C_k C_l)` as a sparse COO array for :math:`i,j,k,l > 0` (i.e. excluding the identity). """ if self._four_element_traces is None: # Most of the traces are zero, therefore store the result in a # sparse array. For GGM bases, which are inherently sparse, it # makes sense for any dimension to also calculate with sparse # arrays. For Pauli bases, which are very dense, this is not so # efficient but unavoidable for d > 12. path = [(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)] if self.btype == 'Pauli' and self.d <= 12: # For d == 12, the result is ~270 MB. self._four_element_traces = COO.from_numpy(oe.contract('iab,jbc,kcd,lda->ijkl', *(self,)*4, optimize=path)) else: self._four_element_traces = oe.contract('iab,jbc,kcd,lda->ijkl', *(self.sparse,)*4, backend='sparse', optimize=path) return self._four_element_traces @four_element_traces.setter def four_element_traces(self, traces): self._four_element_traces = traces
[docs] def normalize(self, copy: bool = False) -> Union[None, 'Basis']: """Normalize the basis.""" if copy: return normalize(self) self /= _norm(self)
[docs] def tidyup(self, eps_scale: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Wraps util.remove_float_errors.""" if eps_scale is None: atol = self._atol else: atol = self._eps*eps_scale self.real[np.abs(self.real) <= atol] = 0 self.imag[np.abs(self.imag) <= atol] = 0
[docs] @classmethod def pauli(cls, n: int) -> 'Basis': r""" Returns a Pauli basis for :math:`n` qubits, i.e. the basis spans the space :math:`\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}` with :math:`d = 2^n`: .. math:: \mathcal{P} = \{I, X, Y, Z\}^{\otimes n}. The elements :math:`\sigma_i` are normalized with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, .. math:: \langle\sigma_i,\sigma_j\rangle &= \mathrm{Tr}\,\sigma_i^\dagger\sigma_j \\ &= \delta_{ij}. Parameters ---------- n: int The number of qubits. Returns ------- basis: Basis The Basis object representing the Pauli basis. """ normalization = np.sqrt(2**n) combinations = np.indices((4,)*n).reshape(n, 4**n) sigma = util.tensor(*util.paulis[combinations], rank=2) sigma /= normalization return cls(sigma, btype='Pauli', labels=[''.join(tup) for tup in product(['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], repeat=n)])
[docs] @classmethod def ggm(cls, d: int) -> 'Basis': r""" Returns a generalized Gell-Mann basis in :math:`d` dimensions [Bert08]_ where the elements :math:`\Lambda_i` are normalized with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, .. math:: \langle\Lambda_i,\Lambda_j\rangle &= \mathrm{Tr}\,\Lambda_i^\dagger\Lambda_j \\ &= \delta_{ij}. Parameters ---------- d: int The dimensionality of the space spanned by the basis Returns ------- basis: Basis The Basis object representing the GGM. References ---------- .. [Bert08] Bertlmann, R. A., & Krammer, P. (2008). Bloch vectors for qudits. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(23). """ n_sym = int(d*(d - 1)/2) sym_rng = np.arange(1, n_sym + 1) diag_rng = np.arange(1, d) # Indices for offdiagonal elements j = np.repeat(np.arange(d - 1), np.arange(d - 1, 0, -1)) k = np.arange(1, n_sym+1) - (j*(2*d - j - 3)/2).astype(int) j_offdiag = tuple(j) k_offdiag = tuple(k) # Indices for diagonal elements j_diag = tuple(i for l in range(d) for i in range(l)) l_diag = tuple(i for i in range(1, d)) inv_sqrt2 = 1/np.sqrt(2) Lambda = np.zeros((d**2, d, d), dtype=complex) Lambda[0] = np.eye(d)/np.sqrt(d) # First n matrices are symmetric Lambda[sym_rng, j_offdiag, k_offdiag] = inv_sqrt2 Lambda[sym_rng, k_offdiag, j_offdiag] = inv_sqrt2 # Second n matrices are antisymmetric Lambda[sym_rng+n_sym, j_offdiag, k_offdiag] = -1j*inv_sqrt2 Lambda[sym_rng+n_sym, k_offdiag, j_offdiag] = 1j*inv_sqrt2 # Remaining matrices have entries on the diagonal only Lambda[np.repeat(diag_rng, diag_rng)+2*n_sym, j_diag, j_diag] = 1 Lambda[diag_rng + 2*n_sym, l_diag, l_diag] = -diag_rng # Normalize Lambda[2*n_sym + 1:, range(d), range(d)] /= np.tile( np.sqrt(diag_rng*(diag_rng + 1))[:, None], (1, d) ) return cls(Lambda, btype='GGM', labels=[rf'$\Lambda_{{{i}}}$' for i in range(len(Lambda))])
[docs] @classmethod def from_partial(cls, partial_basis_array: Sequence, traceless: Optional[bool] = None, btype: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> 'Basis': r"""Generate complete and orthonormal basis from a partial set. The basis is completed using singular value decomposition to determine the null space of the expansion coefficients of the partial basis with respect to another complete basis. Parameters ---------- partial_basis_array: array_like A sequence of basis elements. traceless: bool, optional If a traceless basis should be generated (i.e. the first element is the identity and all the others have trace zero). btype: str, optional A custom identifier. labels: Sequence[str], optional A list of custom labels for each element. If `len(labels) == len(partial_basis_array)`, the newly created elements get labels 'C_i'. Returns ------- basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The orthonormal basis. Raises ------ ValueError If the given elements are not orthonormal. ValueError If the given elements are not traceless but `traceless==True`. ValueError If not len(partial_basis_array) or d**2 labels were given. """ if btype is None: btype = 'From partial' if (labels is None and hasattr(partial_basis_array, 'labels') and len(partial_basis_array.labels) == len(partial_basis_array)): # Need to check if labels and array are same length as indexing # is unaware of our custom attributes labels = partial_basis_array.labels basis, labels = _full_from_partial(partial_basis_array, traceless, labels) return cls(basis, btype=btype, labels=labels)
def _full_from_partial(elems: Sequence, traceless: bool, labels: Sequence[str]) -> Basis: """ Internal function to parse the basis elements *elems*. By default, checks are performed for orthogonality and linear independence. If either fails an exception is raised. Returns a full hermitian and orthonormal basis. """ # Convert elems to basis to have access to its handy attributes elems = Basis(elems) elems.normalize(copy=False) if not elems.isherm: warn("(Some) elems not hermitian! The resulting basis also won't be.") if not elems.isorthonorm: raise ValueError("The basis elements are not orthonormal!") if traceless is None: traceless = elems.istraceless else: if traceless and not elems.istraceless: raise ValueError("The basis elements are not traceless (up to an identity element) " + "but a traceless basis was requested!") if labels is not None and len(labels) not in (len(elems), elems.d**2): raise ValueError(f'Got {len(labels)} labels but expected {len(elems)} or {elems.d**2}') # Get a Generalized Gell-Mann basis to expand in (fulfills the desired # properties hermiticity and orthonormality, and therefore also linear # combinations, ie basis expansions, of it will). Split off the identity so # that for traceless bases we can put it in the front. if traceless: Id, ggm = np.split(Basis.ggm(elems.d), [1]) else: ggm = Basis.ggm(elems.d) coeffs = expand(elems, ggm, hermitian=elems.isherm, tidyup=True) # Throw out coefficient vectors that are all zero (should only happen for # the identity) coeffs = coeffs[(coeffs != 0).any(axis=-1)] if coeffs.size != 0: # Get d**2 - len(coeffs) vectors spanning the nullspace of coeffs. # Those together with coeffs span the whole space, and therefore also # the linear combinations of GGMs weighted with the coefficients will # span the whole matrix space coeffs = np.concatenate((coeffs, sla.null_space(coeffs).T)) # Our new basis is given by linear combinations of GGMs with coeffs basis = np.einsum('ij,jkl', coeffs, ggm) else: # Resulting array is of size zero, i.e. we can just return the GGMs basis = ggm # Add the identity again and normalize the new basis if traceless: basis = np.concatenate((Id, basis)).view(Basis) else: basis = basis.view(Basis) # Clean up basis.tidyup() if labels is not None and len(labels) == len(elems): # Fill up labels for newly generated elements labels = list(labels) if traceless: # sort Identity label to the front, default to first if not found # (should not happen since traceless checks that it is present) id_idx = next((i for i, elem in enumerate(elems) if np.allclose(Id.view(ndarray), elem.view(ndarray), rtol=elems._rtol, atol=elems._atol)), 0) labels.insert(0, labels.pop(id_idx)) labels.extend('$C_{{{}}}$'.format(i) for i in range(len(labels), len(basis))) return basis, labels def _norm(b: Sequence) -> ndarray: """Frobenius norm with two singleton dimensions inserted at the end.""" b = np.asanyarray(b) norm = nla.norm(b, axis=(-1, -2)) return norm[..., None, None]
[docs]def normalize(b: Basis) -> Basis: r""" Return a copy of the basis *b* normalized with respect to the Frobenius norm [Gol85]_: :math:`||A||_F = \left[\sum_{i,j} |a_{i,j}|^2\right]^{1/2}` or equivalently, with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product as implemented by :func:`~filter_functions.util.dot_HS`. References ---------- .. [Gol85] G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, *Matrix Computations*, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, pg. 15 """ return (b/_norm(b)).squeeze().view(Basis)
[docs]def expand(M: Union[ndarray, Basis], basis: Union[ndarray, Basis], normalized: bool = True, hermitian: bool = False, tidyup: bool = False) -> ndarray: r""" Expand the array *M* in the basis given by *basis*. Parameters ---------- M: array_like The square matrix (d, d) or array of square matrices (..., d, d) to be expanded in *basis* basis: array_like The basis of shape (m, d, d) in which to expand. normalized: bool {True} Wether the basis is normalized. hermitian: bool (default: False) If M is hermitian along its last two axes, the result will be real. tidyup: bool {False} Whether to set values below the floating point eps to zero. Returns ------- coefficients: ndarray The coefficient array with shape (..., m) or (m,) if *M* was 2-d Notes ----- For an orthogonal matrix basis :math:`\mathcal{C} = \big\{C_k\in \mathbb{C}^{d\times d}: \langle C_k,C_l\rangle_\mathrm{HS} \propto \delta_{kl}\big\}_{k=0}^{d^2-1}` with the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product as implemented by :func:`~filter_functions.util.dot_HS` and :math:`M\in\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}`, the expansion of :math:`M` in terms of :math:`\mathcal{C}` is given by .. math:: M &= \sum_j c_j C_j, \\ c_j &= \frac{\mathrm{tr}\big(M C_j\big)} {\mathrm{tr}\big(C_j^\dagger C_j\big)}. """ def cast(arr): return arr.real if hermitian and basis.isherm else arr coefficients = cast(np.tensordot(M, basis, axes=[(-2, -1), (-1, -2)])) if not normalized: coefficients /= cast(np.einsum('bij,bji->b', basis, basis)) return util.remove_float_errors(coefficients) if tidyup else coefficients
[docs]def ggm_expand(M: Union[ndarray, Basis], traceless: bool = False, hermitian: bool = False) -> ndarray: r""" Expand the matrix *M* in a Generalized Gell-Mann basis [Bert08]_. This function makes use of the explicit construction prescription of the basis and thus makes do without computing the expansion coefficients as the overlap between the matrix and each basis element. Parameters ---------- M: array_like The square matrix (d, d) or array of square matrices (..., d, d) to be expanded in a GGM basis. traceless: bool (default: False) Include the basis element proportional to the identity in the expansion. If it is known beforehand that M is traceless, the corresponding coefficient is zero and thus doesn't need to be computed. hermitian: bool (default: False) If M is hermitian along its last two axes, the result will be real. Returns ------- coefficients: ndarray The real coefficient array with shape (d**2,) or (..., d**2) References ---------- .. [Bert08] Bertlmann, R. A., & Krammer, P. (2008). Bloch vectors for qudits. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41(23). """ if M.shape[-1] != M.shape[-2]: raise ValueError('M should be square in its last two axes') def cast(arr): return arr.real if hermitian else arr # Squeeze out an extra dimension to be shape agnostic square = M.ndim < 3 if square: M = M[None, ...] d = M.shape[-1] n_sym = int(d*(d - 1)/2) sym_rng = np.arange(1, n_sym + 1) diag_rng = np.arange(1, d) # Map linear index to index tuple of upper triangle j = np.repeat(np.arange(d - 1), np.arange(d - 1, 0, -1)) k = np.arange(1, n_sym+1) - (j*(2*d - j - 3)/2).astype(int) offdiag_idx = [tuple(j), tuple(k)] # Indices for upper triangular part of M triu_idx = tuple([...] + offdiag_idx) # Indices for lower triangular part of M tril_idx = tuple([...] + offdiag_idx[::-1]) # Indices for diagonal elements of M up to first to last diag_idx = tuple([...] + [tuple(i for i in range(d - 1))]*2) # Indices of diagonal elements of M starting from first diag_idx_shifted = tuple([...] + [tuple(i for i in range(1, d))]*2) # Compute the coefficients coeffs = np.zeros((*M.shape[:-2], d**2), dtype=float if hermitian else complex) if not traceless: # First element is proportional to the trace of M coeffs[..., 0] = cast(np.einsum('...jj', M))/np.sqrt(d) # Elements proportional to the symmetric GGMs coeffs[..., sym_rng] = cast(M[triu_idx] + M[tril_idx])/np.sqrt(2) # Elements proportional to the antisymmetric GGMs coeffs[..., sym_rng + n_sym] = cast(1j*(M[triu_idx] - M[tril_idx]))/np.sqrt(2) # Elements proportional to the diagonal GGMs coeffs[..., diag_rng + 2*n_sym] = cast(M[diag_idx].cumsum(axis=-1) - diag_rng*M[diag_idx_shifted]) coeffs[..., diag_rng + 2*n_sym] /= cast(np.sqrt(diag_rng*(diag_rng + 1))) return coeffs.squeeze() if square else coeffs
def equivalent_pauli_basis_elements(idx: Union[Sequence[int], int], N: int) -> ndarray: """ Get the indices of the equivalent (up to identities tensored to it) basis elements of Pauli bases of qubits at position idx in the total Pauli basis for N qubits. """ idx = [idx] if isinstance(idx, int) else idx multi_index = np.ix_(*[range(4) if i in idx else [0] for i in range(N)]) elem_idx = np.ravel_multi_index(multi_index, [4]*N).ravel() return elem_idx def remap_pauli_basis_elements(order: Sequence[int], N: int) -> ndarray: """ For a N-qubit Pauli basis, transpose the order of the subsystems and return the indices that permute the old basis to the new. """ # Index tuples for single qubit paulis that give the n-qubit paulis when # tensored together pauli_idx = np.indices((4,)*N).reshape(N, 4**N).T # Indices of the N-qubit basis reordered according to order linear_idx = [np.ravel_multi_index([idx_tup[i] for i in order], (4,)*N) for idx_tup in pauli_idx] return np.array(linear_idx)