Source code for filter_functions.numeric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
#     filter_functions
#     Copyright (C) 2019 Quantum Technology Group, RWTH Aachen University
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program. If not, see <>.
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# =============================================================================
This module defines the functions to calculate everything related to
filter functions.

    Calculate the control matrix from those of atomic pulse sequences
    Calculate the control matrix from scratch
    Calculate the control matrix for a periodic Hamiltonian
    Calculate the interaction picture noise operators from atomic segments.
    Same calculation as :func:`calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic`
    except in Hilbert space.
    Calculate the interaction picture noise operators from scratch. Same
    calculation as :func:`calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch` except
    in Hilbert space.
    Calculate the cumulant function for a given ``PulseSequence`` object.
    Calculate the decay amplitudes, corresponding to first order terms
    of the Magnus expansion
    Calculate the frequency shifts, corresponding to second order terms
    of the Magnus expansion
    Calculate the filter function from the control matrix
    Calculate the second order filter function used to compute the
    frequency shifts.
    Calculate the pulse correlation filter function from the control
    Diagonalize a Hamiltonian
    Calculate the error transfer matrix of a pulse up to a unitary
    Function to compute the infidelity of a pulse defined by a
    ``PulseSequence`` instance for a given noise spectral density and
from collections import deque
from itertools import accumulate, repeat, zip_longest
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import opt_einsum as oe
import sparse
from numpy import linalg as nla
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy import linalg as sla

from . import util
from .basis import Basis
from .types import Coefficients, Operator

__all__ = ['calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic', 'calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch',
           'calculate_control_matrix_periodic', 'calculate_cumulant_function',
           'calculate_decay_amplitudes', 'calculate_filter_function', 'calculate_frequency_shifts',
           'calculate_noise_operators_from_atomic', 'calculate_noise_operators_from_scratch',
           'calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function', 'calculate_second_order_filter_function',
           'diagonalize', 'error_transfer_matrix', 'infidelity']

def _propagate_eigenvectors(propagators, eigvecs):
    """Propagate the eigenvectors with the unitary propagators"""
    return propagators.transpose(0, 2, 1).conj() @ eigvecs

def _transform_hamiltonian(eigvecs, opers, coeffs=None):
    r"""Transform a Hamiltonian into the eigenspaces spanned by eigvecs.

    I.e., the following transformation is performed:

    .. math::

        s_\alpha^{(g)} B_\alpha\rightarrow
            s_\alpha^{(g)} V^{(g)}B_\alpha V^{(g)\dagger}

    where :math:`s_\alpha^{(g)}` are coefficients of the operator

    if coeffs is None:
        coeffs = []
        assert len(opers) == len(coeffs)

    opers_transformed = np.empty((len(opers), *eigvecs.shape), dtype=complex)
    for j, (coeff, oper) in enumerate(zip_longest(coeffs, opers, fillvalue=None)):
        opers_transformed[j] = _transform_by_unitary(eigvecs, oper, out=opers_transformed[j])
        if coeff is not None:
            opers_transformed[j] *= coeff[:, None, None]

    return opers_transformed

def _transform_by_unitary(unitary, oper, out=None):
    r"""Transform the operators by a unitary. Uses broadcasting.

    I.e., the following transformation is performed:

    .. math::

        C_k\rightarrow  U C_k U^\dagger.

    if out is None:
        out = np.empty(oper.shape, dtype=oper.dtype)

    out = np.matmul(oper, unitary, out=out)
    out = np.matmul(unitary.conj().swapaxes(-1, -2), out, out=out)
    return out

def _first_order_integral(E: ndarray, eigvals: ndarray, dt: float,
                          exp_buf: ndarray, int_buf: ndarray) -> ndarray:
    r"""Calculate the integral appearing in first order Magnus expansion.

    The integral is evaluated as

    .. math::
        I_{mn}^{(g)}(\omega) = \frac
            {e^{i(\omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)})\Delta t_g} - 1}
            {i(\omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)})}

    dE = np.subtract.outer(eigvals, eigvals)
    # iEdE_nm = 1j*(omega + omega_n - omega_m)
    int_buf.real = 0
    int_buf.imag = np.add.outer(E, dE, out=int_buf.imag)

    # Catch zero-division
    mask = (np.abs(int_buf.imag) > 1e-7)
    exp_buf = util.cexp(int_buf.imag*dt, out=exp_buf, where=mask)
    exp_buf = np.subtract(exp_buf, 1, out=exp_buf, where=mask)
    int_buf = np.divide(exp_buf, int_buf, out=int_buf, where=mask)
    int_buf[~mask] = dt

    return int_buf

def _second_order_integral(E: ndarray, eigvals: ndarray, dt: float,
                           int_buf: ndarray, frc_bufs: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray],
                           dE_bufs: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray],
                           exp_buf: ndarray, msk_bufs: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]
                           ) -> ndarray:
    r"""Calculate the nested integral of second order Magnus expansion.

    The integral is evaluated as

    .. math::
        I_{ijmn}^{(g)}(\omega) = \begin{cases}
            \frac{1}{\omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)}}\left(
                \frac{e^{i(\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega)\Delta t_g} - 1}
                     {\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega} -
                \frac{e^{i(\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)})\Delta t_g}
                      - 1}{\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)}}
            \right) &\quad\mathrm{if}\quad \omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)}\neq 0, \\
            \frac{1}{\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega}\left(
                \frac{e^{i(\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega)\Delta t_g} - 1}
                     {\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega} -
                i\Delta t_ge^{i(\Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega)\Delta t_g}
            \right) &\quad\mathrm{if}\quad\omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)} = 0 \wedge
                                      \Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega\neq 0, \\
            \Delta t_g^2/2 &\quad\mathrm{if}\quad
                \omega + \Omega_{mn}^{(g)} = 0 \wedge
                \Omega_{ij}^{(g)} - \omega = 0.

    with :math:`\Omega_{mn}^{(g)} = \omega_m^{(g)} - \omega_n^{(g)}`.

    # frc_buf1 has shape (len(E), *dE.shape), frc_buf2 has shape dE.shape*2
    frc_buf1, frc_buf2 = frc_bufs
    dEdE, EdE, dEE = dE_bufs
    mask_nEdE_dEE, mask_nEdE_ndEE = msk_bufs

    dE = np.subtract.outer(eigvals, eigvals)
    dEdE = np.add.outer(dE, dE, out=dEdE)
    EdE = np.add.outer(E, dE, out=EdE)
    dEE = np.subtract.outer(-E, -dE, out=dEE)
    mask_dEdE = np.not_equal(dEdE, 0)
    mask_EdE = np.not_equal(EdE, 0)
    mask_dEE = np.not_equal(dEE, 0)
    mask_nEdE_dEE = np.logical_and(~mask_EdE[:, None, None], mask_dEE[..., None, None],
    mask_nEdE_ndEE = np.logical_and(~mask_EdE[:, None, None], ~mask_dEE[..., None, None],
    mask_EdE_dEE = np.broadcast_to(mask_EdE[:, None, None], int_buf.shape)

    # First term in the brackets
    exp_buf = util.cexp(dEE*dt, out=exp_buf, where=mask_dEE)
    exp_buf = np.subtract(exp_buf, 1, out=exp_buf, where=mask_dEE)
    frc_buf1 = np.divide(exp_buf, dEE, out=frc_buf1, where=mask_dEE)
    frc_buf1[~mask_dEE] = 1j*dt

    # Second term in the brackets
    frc_buf2 = util.cexp(dEdE*dt, out=frc_buf2, where=mask_dEdE)
    frc_buf2 = np.subtract(frc_buf2, 1, out=frc_buf2, where=mask_dEdE)
    frc_buf2 = np.divide(frc_buf2, dEdE, out=frc_buf2, where=mask_dEdE)
    frc_buf2[~mask_dEdE] = 1j*dt

    # Broadcast to full (len(E), d, d, d, d) result
    int_buf = np.subtract(frc_buf1[..., None, None], frc_buf2[None, ...],
                          out=int_buf, where=mask_EdE_dEE)

    # Prefactor
    int_buf = np.divide(int_buf, EdE[:, None, None], out=int_buf, where=mask_EdE_dEE)

    # Case where omega + Omega_ij = 0, omega - Omega_mn != 0
    exp_buf = np.add(exp_buf, 1, out=exp_buf, where=mask_dEE)
    exp_buf = np.multiply(exp_buf, dt, out=exp_buf, where=mask_dEE)
    frc_buf1.real = np.add(frc_buf1.real, exp_buf.imag, out=frc_buf1.real, where=mask_dEE)
    frc_buf1.imag = np.subtract(frc_buf1.imag, exp_buf.real, out=frc_buf1.imag, where=mask_dEE)
    frc_buf1 = np.divide(frc_buf1, dEE, out=frc_buf1, where=mask_dEE)

    int_buf[mask_nEdE_dEE] = np.broadcast_to(frc_buf1[..., None, None],

    # Case where omega + Omega_ij = 0, omega - Omega_mn = 0
    int_buf[mask_nEdE_ndEE] = dt**2 / 2
    return int_buf

def _get_integrand(
        spectrum: ndarray,
        omega: ndarray,
        idx: ndarray,
        which_pulse: str,
        which_FF: str,
        control_matrix: Optional[Union[ndarray, Sequence[ndarray]]] = None,
        filter_function: Optional[ndarray] = None
) -> ndarray:
    Private function to generate the integrand for either
    :func:`infidelity` or :func:`calculate_decay_amplitudes`.

    spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] n_omega)
        The two-sided noise power spectral density.
    omega: array_like,
        The frequencies at which to calculate the filter functions.
    idx: ndarray
        Noise operator indices to consider.
    which_pulse: str, optional {'total', 'correlations'}
        Use pulse correlations or total filter function.
    which_FF: str, optional {'fidelity', 'generalized'}
        Fidelity or generalized filter functions. Needed to determine
        output shape.
    control_matrix: ndarray, optional
        Control matrix. If given, returns the integrand for
        :func:`calculate_error_vector_correlation_functions`. If given
        as a list or tuple, taken to be the left and right control
        matrices in the integrand (allows for slicing up the integrand).
    filter_function: ndarray, optional
        Filter function. If given, returns the integrand for

        If ``spectrum`` and ``control_matrix`` or ``filter_function``,
        depending on which was given, have incompatible shapes.

    integrand: ndarray, shape (..., n_omega)
        The integrand. For one-sided spectra (only positive frequencies)
        it might be complex. However, mathematically it is guaranteed
        to be strictly real for the correct two-sided spectrum. Thus,
        only the real part is returned in all cases.

    if control_matrix is not None:
        # ctrl_left is the complex conjugate
        funs = (np.conj, lambda x: x)
        if isinstance(control_matrix, (list, tuple)):
            ctrl_left, ctrl_right = [f(c) for f, c in zip(funs, control_matrix)]
            ctrl_left, ctrl_right = [f(r) for f, r in zip(funs, [control_matrix]*2)]
        # filter_function is not None
        if which_FF == 'generalized':
            # Everything simpler if noise operators always on 2nd-to-last axes
            filter_function = np.moveaxis(filter_function, source=[-5, -4], destination=[-3, -2])

    spectrum = util.parse_spectrum(spectrum, omega, idx)
    if spectrum.ndim in (1, 2):
        if filter_function is not None:
            integrand = (filter_function[..., tuple(idx), tuple(idx), :]*spectrum)
            if which_FF == 'generalized':
                # move axes back to expected position, ie (pulses, noise opers,
                # basis elements, frequencies)
                integrand = np.moveaxis(integrand, source=-2, destination=-4)
            # R is not None
            if which_pulse == 'correlations':
                if which_FF == 'fidelity':
                    einsum_str = 'g...ko,...o,h...ko->gh...o'
                    # which_FF == 'generalized'
                    einsum_str = 'g...ko,...o,h...lo->gh...klo'
                # which_pulse == 'total'
                if which_FF == 'fidelity':
                    einsum_str = '...ko,...o,...ko->...o'
                    # which_FF == 'generalized'
                    einsum_str = '...ko,...o,...lo->...klo'

            integrand = np.einsum(einsum_str,
                                  ctrl_left[..., idx, :, :], spectrum, ctrl_right[..., idx, :, :])
        # spectrum.ndim == 3, general case where spectrum is a matrix with
        # correlation spectra on off-diag
        if filter_function is not None:
            integrand = filter_function[..., idx[:, None], idx, :]*spectrum
            if which_FF == 'generalized':
                integrand = np.moveaxis(integrand, source=[-3, -2], destination=[-5, -4])
            # R is not None
            if which_pulse == 'correlations':
                if which_FF == 'fidelity':
                    einsum_str = 'gako,abo,hbko->ghabo'
                    # which_FF == 'generalized'
                    einsum_str = 'gako,abo,hblo->ghabklo'
                # which_pulse == 'total'
                if which_FF == 'fidelity':
                    einsum_str = 'ako,abo,bko->abo'
                    # which_FF == 'generalized'
                    einsum_str = 'ako,abo,blo->abklo'

            integrand = np.einsum(einsum_str,
                                  ctrl_left[..., idx, :, :], spectrum, ctrl_right[..., idx, :, :])

    return integrand.real

[docs]def calculate_noise_operators_from_atomic( phases: ndarray, noise_operators_atomic: ndarray, propagators: ndarray, show_progressbar: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r""" Calculate the interaction picutre noise operators from atomic segments. Parameters ---------- phases: array_like, shape (n_dt, n_omega) The phase factors for :math:`g\in\{0, 1, \dots, G-1\}`. noise_operators_atomic: array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d, d, n_omega) The noise operators in the interaction picture of the g-th pulse, i.e. for :math:`g\in\{1, 2, \dots, G\}`. propagators: array_like, shape (n_dt, d, d) The cumulative propagators of the pulses :math:`g\in\{0, 1, \dots, G-1\}`. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. Returns ------- noise_operators: ndarray, shape (n_omega, n_nops, d, d) The interaction picture noise operators :math:`\tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega)`. Notes ----- The noise operators are calculated by evaluating the sum .. math:: \tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega) = \sum_{g=1}^G e^{i\omega t_{g-1}} Q_{g-1}^\dagger\tilde{B}_\alpha^{(g)}(\omega) Q_{g-1}. The control matrix then corresponds to the coefficients of expansion in an operator basis :math:`\{C_k\}_k`: .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{k\alpha}(\omega) = \mathrm{tr}(\tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega) C_k). Due to differences in implementation (for performance reasons), the axes of the result are transposed compared to the control matrix: >>> ctrlmat = calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic(...) >>> ctrlmat.shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) >>> noiseops = calculate_noise_operators_from_atomic(...) >>> noiseops.shape (n_omega, n_nops, d, d) >>> ctrlmat_from_noiseops = ff.basis.expand(noiseops, basis) >>> np.allclose(ctrlmat, ctrlmat_from_noiseops.transpose(1, 2, 0)) True See Also -------- calculate_noise_operators_from_scratch: Compute the operators from scratch. calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic: Same calculation in Liouville space. """ n = len(noise_operators_atomic) # Allocate memory noise_operators = np.zeros(noise_operators_atomic.shape[1:], dtype=complex) expr = oe.contract_expression('ji,...jk,kl->', propagators.shape[1:], noise_operators_atomic.shape[1:], propagators.shape[1:], optimize=[(0, 1), (0, 1)]) for g in util.progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating noise operators'): noise_operators += expr(propagators[g].conj(), noise_operators_atomic[g]*phases[g, :, None, None, None], propagators[g]) return noise_operators
[docs]def calculate_noise_operators_from_scratch( eigvals: ndarray, eigvecs: ndarray, propagators: ndarray, omega: Coefficients, n_opers: Sequence[Operator], n_coeffs: Sequence[Coefficients], dt: Coefficients, t: Optional[Coefficients] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False ) -> Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, Dict[str, ndarray]]]: r""" Calculate the noise operators in interaction picture from scratch. Parameters ---------- eigvals: array_like, shape (n_dt, d) Eigenvalue vectors for each time pulse segment *g* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvals == array([D_0, D_1, ...])``. eigvecs: array_like, shape (n_dt, d, d) Eigenvector matrices for each time pulse segment *g* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvecs == array([V_0, V_1, ...])``. propagators: array_like, shape (n_dt+1, d, d) The propagators :math:`Q_g = P_g P_{g-1}\cdots P_0` as a (d, d) array with *d* the dimension of the Hilbert space. omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) Frequencies at which the pulse control matrix is to be evaluated. n_opers: array_like, shape (n_nops, d, d) Noise operators :math:`B_\alpha`. n_coeffs: array_like, shape (n_nops, n_dt) The sensitivities of the system to the noise operators given by *n_opers* at the given time step. dt: array_like, shape (n_dt) Sequence duration, i.e. for the :math:`g`-th pulse :math:`t_g - t_{g-1}`. t: array_like, shape (n_dt+1), optional The absolute times of the different segments. Can also be computed from *dt*. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation that can be reused in other computations (second order or gradients). Otherwise the sum is performed in-place. The default is False. Returns ------- noise_operators: ndarray, shape (n_omega, n_nops, d, d) The interaction picture noise operators :math:`\tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega)`. intermediates: dict[str, ndarray] Intermediate results of the calculation. Only if cache_intermediates is True. Notes ----- The interaction picture noise operators are calculated according to .. math:: \tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega) = \sum_{g=1}^G e^{i\omega t_{g-1}} s_\alpha^{(g)} P^{(g)\dagger}\left[ \bar{B}^{(g)}_\alpha \circ I^{(g)}(\omega) \right] P^{(g)} where .. math:: I^{(g)}_{nm}(\omega) &= \int_0^{t_g - t_{g-1}}\mathrm{d}t\, e^{i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m)t} \\ &= \frac{e^{i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m) (t_g - t_{g-1})} - 1} {i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m)}, \\ \bar{B}_\alpha^{(g)} &= V^{(g)\dagger} B_\alpha V^{(g)}, \\ P^{(g)} &= V^{(g)\dagger} Q_{g-1}, and :math:`V^{(g)}` is the matrix of eigenvectors that diagonalizes :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{H}}_n^{(g)}`, :math:`B_\alpha` the :math:`\alpha`-th noise operator, and :math:`s_\alpha^{(g)}` the noise sensitivity during interval :math:`g`. The control matrix then corresponds to the coefficients of expansion in an operator basis :math:`\{C_k\}_k`: .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{k\alpha}(\omega) = \mathrm{tr}(\tilde{B}_\alpha(\omega) C_k). Due to differences in implementation (for performance reasons), the axes of the result are transposed compared to the control matrix: >>> ctrlmat = calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch(...) >>> ctrlmat.shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) >>> noiseops = calculate_noise_operators_from_scratch(...) >>> noiseops.shape (n_omega, n_nops, d, d) >>> ctrlmat_from_noiseops = ff.basis.expand(noiseops, basis) >>> np.allclose(ctrlmat, ctrlmat_from_noiseops.transpose(1, 2, 0)) True See Also -------- calculate_noise_operators_from_atomic: Compute the operators from atomic segments. calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch: Same calculation in Liouville space. """ if t is None: t = np.concatenate(([0], np.asarray(dt).cumsum())) d = eigvecs.shape[-1] n_coeffs = np.asarray(n_coeffs) # Precompute noise opers transformed to eigenbasis of each pulse # segment and V^\dagger @ Q eigvecs_propagated = _propagate_eigenvectors(eigvecs, propagators[:-1]) n_opers_transformed = _transform_hamiltonian(eigvecs, n_opers, n_coeffs) # Allocate memory exp_buf, int_buf = np.empty((2, len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) noise_operators = np.zeros((len(omega), len(n_opers), d, d), dtype=complex) if cache_intermediates: phase_factors_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(omega)), dtype=complex) int_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) sum_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(omega), len(n_opers), d, d), dtype=complex) else: phase_factors = np.empty((len(omega),), dtype=complex) int_buf = np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) sum_buf = np.empty((len(omega), len(n_opers), d, d), dtype=complex) # Set up reusable expressions expr_1 = oe.contract_expression('akl,okl->oakl', n_opers_transformed[:, 0].shape, int_buf.shape) expr_2 = oe.contract_expression('ji,...jk,kl', eigvecs_propagated[0].shape, (len(omega), len(n_opers), d, d), eigvecs_propagated[0].shape, optimize=[(0, 1), (0, 1)]) for g in util.progressbar_range(len(dt), show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating noise operators'): if cache_intermediates: # Assign references to the locations in the cache for the quantities # that should be stored phase_factors = phase_factors_cache[g] int_buf = int_cache[g] sum_buf = sum_cache[g] phase_factors = util.cexp(omega*t[g], out=phase_factors) int_buf = _first_order_integral(omega, eigvals[g], dt[g], exp_buf, int_buf) sum_buf = expr_1(n_opers_transformed[:, g], phase_factors[:, None, None]*int_buf, out=sum_buf) noise_operators += expr_2(eigvecs_propagated[g].conj(), sum_buf, eigvecs_propagated[g], out=sum_buf) if cache_intermediates: intermediates = dict(n_opers_transformed=n_opers_transformed, first_order_integral=int_cache, phase_factors=phase_factors_cache, noise_operators_step=sum_cache) return noise_operators, intermediates return noise_operators
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('total', 'correlations')) def calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic( phases: ndarray, control_matrix_atomic: ndarray, propagators_liouville: ndarray, show_progressbar: bool = False, which: str = 'total' ) -> ndarray: r""" Calculate the control matrix from the control matrices of atomic segments. Parameters ---------- phases: array_like, shape (n_dt, n_omega) The phase factors for :math:`g\in\{0, 1, \dots, G-1\}`. control_matrix_atomic: array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The pulse control matrices for :math:`g\in\{1, 2, \dots, G\}`. propagators_liouville: array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d**2, d**2) The transfer matrices of the cumulative propagators for :math:`g\in\{0, 1, \dots, G-1\}`. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. which: str, ('total', 'correlations') Compute the total control matrix (the sum of all time steps) or the correlation control matrix (first axis holds each pulses' contribution) Returns ------- control_matrix: ndarray, shape ([n_pls,] n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega)`. Notes ----- The control matrix is calculated by evaluating the sum .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega) = \sum_{g=1}^G e^{i\omega t_{g-1}} \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g)}(\omega)\mathcal{Q}^{(g-1)}. See Also -------- calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch: Control matrix from scratch. liouville_representation: Liouville representation for a given basis. """ n = len(control_matrix_atomic) # Set up a reusable contraction expression. In some cases it is faster to # also contract the time dimension in the same expression instead of # looping over it, but we don't distinguish here for readability. expr = oe.contract_expression('ijo,jk->iko', control_matrix_atomic.shape[1:], propagators_liouville.shape[1:]) # Allocate memory if which == 'total': control_matrix = np.zeros(control_matrix_atomic.shape[1:], dtype=complex) for g in util.progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating control matrix'): control_matrix += expr(phases[g]*control_matrix_atomic[g], propagators_liouville[g]) else: # which == 'correlations' control_matrix = np.zeros(control_matrix_atomic.shape, dtype=complex) for g in util.progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating control matrix'): control_matrix[g] = expr(phases[g]*control_matrix_atomic[g], propagators_liouville[g], out=control_matrix[g]) return control_matrix
[docs]def calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch( eigvals: ndarray, eigvecs: ndarray, propagators: ndarray, omega: Coefficients, basis: Basis, n_opers: Sequence[Operator], n_coeffs: Sequence[Coefficients], dt: Coefficients, t: Optional[Coefficients] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False, out: Optional[ndarray] = None ) -> Union[ndarray, Tuple[ndarray, Dict[str, ndarray]]]: r""" Calculate the control matrix from scratch, i.e. without knowledge of the control matrices of more atomic pulse sequences. Parameters ---------- eigvals: array_like, shape (n_dt, d) Eigenvalue vectors for each time pulse segment *g* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvals == array([D_0, D_1, ...])``. eigvecs: array_like, shape (n_dt, d, d) Eigenvector matrices for each time pulse segment *g* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvecs == array([V_0, V_1, ...])``. propagators: array_like, shape (n_dt+1, d, d) The propagators :math:`Q_g = P_g P_{g-1}\cdots P_0` as a (d, d) array with *d* the dimension of the Hilbert space. omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) Frequencies at which the pulse control matrix is to be evaluated. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The basis elements in which the pulse control matrix will be expanded. n_opers: array_like, shape (n_nops, d, d) Noise operators :math:`B_\alpha`. n_coeffs: array_like, shape (n_nops, n_dt) The sensitivities of the system to the noise operators given by *n_opers* at the given time step. dt: array_like, shape (n_dt) Sequence duration, i.e. for the :math:`g`-th pulse :math:`t_g - t_{g-1}`. t: array_like, shape (n_dt+1), optional The absolute times of the different segments. Can also be computed from *dt*. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation that can be reused in other computations (second order or gradients). Otherwise the sum is performed in-place. The default is False. out: ndarray, optional A location into which the result is stored. See :func:`numpy.ufunc`. Returns ------- control_matrix: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega)` intermediates: dict[str, ndarray] Intermediate results of the calculation. Only if cache_intermediates is True. Notes ----- The control matrix is calculated according to .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\alpha k}(\omega) = \sum_{g=1}^G e^{i\omega t_{g-1}} s_\alpha^{(g)}\mathrm{tr}\left( [\bar{B}_\alpha^{(g)}\circ I(\omega)] \bar{C}_k^{(g)} \right) where .. math:: I^{(g)}_{nm}(\omega) &= \int_0^{t_l - t_{g-1}}\mathrm{d}t\, e^{i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m)t} \\ &= \frac{e^{i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m) (t_l - t_{g-1})} - 1} {i(\omega+\omega_n-\omega_m)}, \\ \bar{B}_\alpha^{(g)} &= V^{(g)\dagger} B_\alpha V^{(g)}, \\ \bar{C}_k^{(g)} &= V^{(g)\dagger} Q_{g-1} C_k Q_{g-1}^\dagger V^{(g)}, and :math:`V^{(g)}` is the matrix of eigenvectors that diagonalizes :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{H}}_n^{(g)}`, :math:`B_\alpha` the :math:`\alpha`-th noise operator :math:`s_\alpha^{(g)}` the noise sensitivity during interval :math:`g`, and :math:`C_k` the :math:`k`-th basis element. See Also -------- calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic: Control matrix from concatenation. calculate_control_matrix_periodic: Control matrix for periodic system. """ d = eigvecs.shape[-1] if t is None: t = np.concatenate(([0], np.asarray(dt).cumsum())) # Precompute noise opers transformed to eigenbasis of each pulse segment # and Q^\dagger @ V eigvecs_propagated = _propagate_eigenvectors(propagators[:-1], eigvecs) n_opers_transformed = _transform_hamiltonian(eigvecs, n_opers, n_coeffs) # Allocate result and buffers for intermediate arrays exp_buf = np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) if out is None: out = np.zeros((len(n_opers), len(basis), len(omega)), dtype=complex) if cache_intermediates: basis_transformed_cache = np.empty((len(dt), *basis.shape), dtype=complex) phase_factors_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(omega)), dtype=complex) int_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) sum_cache = np.empty((len(dt), len(n_opers), len(basis), len(omega)), dtype=complex) else: basis_transformed = np.empty(basis.shape, dtype=complex) phase_factors = np.empty(len(omega), dtype=complex) int_buf = np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) sum_buf = np.empty((len(n_opers), len(basis), len(omega)), dtype=complex) # Optimize the contraction path dynamically since it differs for different # values of d expr = oe.contract_expression('o,jmn,omn,knm->jko', omega.shape, n_opers_transformed[:, 0].shape, exp_buf.shape, basis.shape, optimize=True) for g in util.progressbar_range(len(dt), show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating control matrix'): if cache_intermediates: # Assign references to the locations in the cache for the quantities # that should be stored basis_transformed = basis_transformed_cache[g] phase_factors = phase_factors_cache[g] int_buf = int_cache[g] sum_buf = sum_cache[g] basis_transformed = _transform_by_unitary(eigvecs_propagated[g], basis, out=basis_transformed) phase_factors = util.cexp(omega*t[g], out=phase_factors) int_buf = _first_order_integral(omega, eigvals[g], dt[g], exp_buf, int_buf) sum_buf = expr(phase_factors, n_opers_transformed[:, g], int_buf, basis_transformed, out=sum_buf) out += sum_buf if cache_intermediates: intermediates = dict(n_opers_transformed=n_opers_transformed, basis_transformed=basis_transformed_cache, phase_factors=phase_factors_cache, first_order_integral=int_cache, control_matrix_step=sum_cache) return out, intermediates return out
[docs]def calculate_control_matrix_periodic(phases: ndarray, control_matrix: ndarray, total_propagator_liouville: ndarray, repeats: int, check_invertible: bool = True) -> ndarray: r""" Calculate the control matrix of a periodic pulse given the phase factors, control matrix and transfer matrix of the total propagator, total_propagator_liouville, of the atomic pulse. Parameters ---------- phases: ndarray, shape (n_omega,) The phase factors :math:`e^{i\omega T}` of the atomic pulse. control_matrix: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(1)}(\omega)` of the atomic pulse. total_propagator_liouville: ndarray, shape (d**2, d**2) The transfer matrix :math:`\mathcal{Q}^{(1)}` of the atomic pulse. repeats: int The number of repetitions. check_invertible: bool, optional Check for all frequencies if the inverse :math:`\mathbb{I} - e^{i\omega T} \mathcal{Q}^{(1)}` exists by calculating the determinant. If it does not exist, the sum is evaluated explicitly for those points. The default is True. Returns ------- control_matrix: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega)` of the repeated pulse. Notes ----- The control matrix is computed as .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega) &= \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(1)}(\omega) \sum_{g=0}^{G-1} \left(e^{i\omega T}\right)^g \\ &= \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(1)}(\omega)\bigl( \mathbb{I} - e^{i\omega T} \mathcal{Q}^{(1)}\bigr)^{-1}\bigl( \mathbb{I} - \bigl(e^{i\omega T} \mathcal{Q}^{(1)}\bigr)^G\bigr). with :math:`G` the number of repetitions. """ # Compute the finite geometric series \sum_{g=0}^{G-1} T^g. First check if # inv(I - T) is 'good', i.e. if inv(I - T) @ (I - T) == I, since NumPy will # compute the inverse in any case. For those frequencies where the inverse # is well-behaved, evaluate the sum as a Neumann series and for the rest # evaluate it explicitly. eye = np.eye(total_propagator_liouville.shape[0]) T = np.multiply.outer(phases, total_propagator_liouville) M = eye - T if check_invertible: invertible = ~np.isclose(nla.det(M), 0) else: invertible = np.array(True) S = np.empty((*phases.shape, *total_propagator_liouville.shape), dtype=complex) # Solve LSE instead of computing inverse, faster + numerically more stable S[invertible] = nla.solve(M[invertible], eye - nla.matrix_power(T[invertible], repeats)) if (~invertible).any(): S[~invertible] = eye + sum(accumulate(repeat(T[~invertible], repeats-1), np.matmul)) control_matrix_tot = (control_matrix.transpose(2, 0, 1) @ S).transpose(1, 2, 0) return control_matrix_tot
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('total', 'correlations')) def calculate_cumulant_function( pulse: 'PulseSequence', spectrum: Optional[ndarray] = None, omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, which: str = 'total', second_order: bool = False, decay_amplitudes: Optional[ndarray] = None, frequency_shifts: Optional[ndarray] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, memory_parsimonious: bool = False, cache_intermediates: Optional[bool] = None ) -> ndarray: r"""Calculate the cumulant function :math:`\mathcal{K}(\tau)`. The error transfer matrix is obtained from the cumulant function by exponentiation, :math:`\langle\tilde{\mathcal{U}}\rangle = \exp\mathcal{K}(\tau)`. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance for which to compute the cumulant function. spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] n_omega), optional The noise power spectral density in units of inverse frequencies as an array of shape (n_omega,), (n_nops, n_omega), or (n_nops, n_nops, n_omega). In the first case, the same spectrum is taken for all noise operators, in the second, it is assumed that there are no correlations between different noise sources and thus there is one spectrum for each noise operator. In the third and most general case, there may be a spectrum for each pair of noise operators corresponding to the correlations between them. n_nops is the number of noise operators considered and should be equal to ``len(n_oper_identifiers)``. omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,), optional The frequencies at which to evaluate the filter functions. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which to evaluate the cumulant function. The default is all. which: str, optional Which decay amplitudes should be calculated, may be either 'total' (default) or 'correlations'. See :func:`infidelity` and :ref:`Notes <notes>`. Note that the latter is not available for the second order terms. second_order: bool, optional Also take into account the frequency shifts :math:`\Delta` that correspond to second order Magnus expansion and constitute unitary terms. Default ``False``. decay_amplitudes, array_like, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,] n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2), optional A precomputed cumulant function. If given, *spectrum*, *omega* are not required. frequency_shifts, array_like, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,] n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2), optional A precomputed frequency shift. If given, *spectrum*, *omega* are not required for second order terms. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. memory_parsimonious: bool, optional Trade memory footprint for performance. See :func:`~numeric.calculate_decay_amplitudes`. The default is ``False``. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation of the control matrix that can be reused in other computations (second order or gradients). Otherwise the sum is performed in-place. Default is True if second_order=True, else False. Returns ------- cumulant_function: ndarray, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,] n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2) The cumulant function. The individual noise operator contributions chosen by ``n_oper_identifiers`` are on the third to last axis / axes, depending on whether the noise is cross-correlated or not. If ``which == 'correlations'``, the first two axes correspond to the contributions of the pulses in the sequence. .. _notes: Notes ----- The cumulant function is given by .. math:: K_{\alpha\beta,ij}(\tau) = -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{kl}\biggl( &\Delta_{\alpha\beta,kl}\left( T_{klji} - T_{lkji} - T_{klij} + T_{lkij} \right) \\ + &\Gamma_{\alpha\beta,kl}\left( T_{klji} - T_{kjli} - T_{kilj} + T_{kijl} \right) \biggr) Here, :math:`T_{ijkl} = \mathrm{tr}(C_i C_j C_k C_l)` is a trivial function of the basis elements :math:`C_i`, and :math:`\Gamma_{\alpha\beta,kl}` and :math:`\Delta_{\alpha\beta,kl}` are the decay amplitudes and frequency shifts which correspond to first and second order in the Magnus expansion, respectively. Since the latter induce coherent errors, we can approximately neglect them if we assume that the pulse has been experimentally calibrated. For a single qubit and represented in the Pauli basis, the above reduces to .. math:: K_{\alpha\beta,ij}(\tau) = \begin{cases} - \sum_{k\neq i}\Gamma_{\alpha\beta,kk} &\quad\mathrm{if}\: i = j, \\ - \Delta_{\alpha\beta,ij} + \Delta_{\alpha\beta,ji} + \Gamma_{\alpha\beta,ij} &\quad\mathrm{if}\: i\neq j, \end{cases} for :math:`i\in\{1,2,3\}` and :math:`K_{0j} = K_{i0} = 0`. Lastly, the pulse correlation cumulant function resolves correlations in the cumulant function of a sequence of pulses :math:`g = 1,\dotsc,G` such that the following holds: .. math:: K_{\alpha\beta,ij}(\tau) = \sum_{g,g'=1}^G K_{\alpha\beta,ij}^{(gg')}(\tau). See Also -------- calculate_decay_amplitudes: Calculate the :math:`\Gamma_{\alpha\beta,kl}` error_transfer_matrix: Calculate the error transfer matrix :math:`\exp\mathcal{K}`. infidelity: Calculate only infidelity of a pulse. pulse_sequence.concatenate: Concatenate ``PulseSequence`` objects. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function """ N, d = pulse.basis.shape[:2] if spectrum is None and omega is None: if decay_amplitudes is None or (frequency_shifts is None and second_order): raise ValueError('Require either spectrum and frequencies or precomputed ' + 'decay amplitudes (frequency shifts)') if which == 'correlations' and second_order: raise ValueError('Cannot compute correlation cumulant function for second order terms') if cache_intermediates is None: cache_intermediates = second_order if decay_amplitudes is None: decay_amplitudes = calculate_decay_amplitudes(pulse, spectrum, omega, n_oper_identifiers, which, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates, memory_parsimonious) if second_order: if frequency_shifts is None: if memory_parsimonious: warn('Memory parsimonious calculation not implemented for frequency shifts.') frequency_shifts = calculate_frequency_shifts(pulse, spectrum, omega, n_oper_identifiers, show_progressbar) if frequency_shifts.shape != decay_amplitudes.shape: raise ValueError('Frequency shifts not same shape as decay amplitudes') if d == 2 and pulse.basis.btype in ('Pauli', 'GGM'): # Single qubit case. Can use simplified expression cumulant_function = np.zeros(decay_amplitudes.shape, decay_amplitudes.dtype) diag_mask = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=bool) diag_mask[1:, 1:] = ~np.eye(N-1, dtype=bool) # Offdiagonal terms cumulant_function[..., diag_mask] = decay_amplitudes[..., diag_mask] # Diagonal terms K_ii given by sum over diagonal of Gamma excluding # Gamma_ii. Since the Pauli basis is traceless, K_00 is zero, therefore # start at K_11. diag_deque = deque((False, True, True)) for i in range(1, N): diag_idx = [False] + list(diag_deque) cumulant_function[..., i, i] = -decay_amplitudes[..., diag_idx, diag_idx].sum(axis=-1) # shift the item not summed over by one diag_deque.rotate() if second_order: cumulant_function[..., 1:, 1:] -= frequency_shifts[..., 1:, 1:] cumulant_function[..., 1:, 1:] += frequency_shifts[..., 1:, 1:].swapaxes(-1, -2) else: # Multi qubit case. Use general expression. Drop imaginary part since # result is guaranteed to be real (if we didn't do anything wrong) traces = pulse.basis.four_element_traces cumulant_function = - ( + oe.contract('...kl,klji->...ij', decay_amplitudes, traces, backend='sparse') - oe.contract('...kl,kjli->...ij', decay_amplitudes, traces, backend='sparse') - oe.contract('...kl,kilj->...ij', decay_amplitudes, traces, backend='sparse') + oe.contract('...kl,kijl->...ij', decay_amplitudes, traces, backend='sparse') ) / 2 if second_order: cumulant_function -= ( + oe.contract('...kl,klji->...ij', frequency_shifts, traces, backend='sparse') - oe.contract('...kl,lkji->...ij', frequency_shifts, traces, backend='sparse') - oe.contract('...kl,klij->...ij', frequency_shifts, traces, backend='sparse') + oe.contract('...kl,lkij->...ij', frequency_shifts, traces, backend='sparse') ) / 2 return cumulant_function.real
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('total', 'correlations')) def calculate_decay_amplitudes( pulse: 'PulseSequence', spectrum: ndarray, omega: Coefficients, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, which: str = 'total', show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False, memory_parsimonious: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r""" Get the decay amplitudes :math:`\Gamma_{\alpha\beta, kl}` for noise sources :math:`\alpha,\beta` and basis elements :math:`k,l`. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance for which to compute the decay amplitudes. spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] n_omega) The noise power spectral density. If 1-d, the same spectrum is used for all noise operators. If 2-d, one (self-) spectrum for each noise operator is expected. If 3-d, should be a matrix of cross-spectra such that ``spectrum[i, j] == spectrum[j, i].conj()``. omega: array_like, The frequencies at which to calculate the filter functions. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which to calculate the decay amplitudes. The default is all. which: str, optional Which decay amplitudes should be calculated, may be either 'total' (default) or 'correlations'. See :func:`infidelity` and :ref:`Notes <notes>`. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation that are useful in other places (if control matrix not already cached). memory_parsimonious: bool, optional For large dimensions, the integrand .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^\ast_{\alpha k}(\omega) S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\beta l}(\omega) can consume quite a large amount of memory if set up for all :math:`\alpha,\beta,k,l` at once. If ``True``, it is only set up and integrated for a single :math:`k` at a time and looped over. This is slower but requires much less memory. The default is ``False``. Raises ------ ValueError If spectrum has incompatible shape. Returns ------- decay_amplitudes: ndarray, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,] n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2) The decay amplitudes. .. _notes: Notes ----- The total decay amplitudes are given by .. math:: \Gamma_{\alpha\beta, kl} = \int\frac{\mathrm{d}\omega}{2\pi} \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^\ast_{\alpha k}(\omega) S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\beta l}(\omega). If pulse correlations are taken into account, they are given by .. math:: \Gamma_{\alpha\beta, kl}^{(gg')} = \int \frac{\mathrm{d}\omega}{2\pi} S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) F_{\alpha\beta, kl}^{(gg')}(\omega). See Also -------- infidelity: Compute the infidelity directly. pulse_sequence.concatenate: Concatenate ``PulseSequence`` objects. calculate_frequency_shifts: Second order (unitary) terms. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function """ # TODO: Replace infidelity() by this? # Noise operator indices idx = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) if which == 'total': # Faster to use filter function instead of control matrix if pulse.is_cached('filter_function_gen'): control_matrix = None filter_function = pulse.get_filter_function(omega, which='generalized') else: control_matrix = pulse.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates) filter_function = None else: # which == 'correlations' if pulse.is_cached('omega'): if not np.array_equal(, omega): raise ValueError('Pulse correlation decay amplitudes requested but omega not ' + 'equal to cached frequencies.') if pulse.is_cached('filter_function_pc_gen'): control_matrix = None filter_function = pulse.get_pulse_correlation_filter_function(which='generalized') else: control_matrix = pulse.get_pulse_correlation_control_matrix() filter_function = None if not memory_parsimonious: integrand = _get_integrand(spectrum, omega, idx, which, 'generalized', control_matrix=control_matrix, filter_function=filter_function) decay_amplitudes = util.integrate(integrand, omega)/(2*np.pi) return decay_amplitudes n_kl = len(pulse.basis) for k in util.progressbar_range(n_kl, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Integrating'): if control_matrix is not None: integrand = _get_integrand( spectrum, omega, idx, which, 'generalized', control_matrix=[control_matrix[..., k:k+1, :], control_matrix], filter_function=filter_function ) else: integrand = _get_integrand( spectrum, omega, idx, which, 'generalized', control_matrix=control_matrix, filter_function=filter_function[..., k:k+1, :, :] ) if k == 0: decay_amplitudes = np.empty(integrand.shape[:-3] + (n_kl,)*2) decay_amplitudes[..., k:k+1, :] = util.integrate(integrand, omega)/(2*np.pi) return decay_amplitudes
[docs]def calculate_frequency_shifts( pulse: 'PulseSequence', spectrum: ndarray, omega: Coefficients, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r""" Get the frequency shifts :math:`\Delta_{\alpha\beta, kl}` for noise sources :math:`\alpha,\beta` and basis elements :math:`k,l`. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance for which to compute the frequency shifts. spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] n_omega) The two-sided noise power spectral density. If 1-d, the same spectrum is used for all noise operators. If 2-d, one (self-) spectrum for each noise operator is expected. If 3-d, should be a matrix of cross-spectra such that ``spectrum[i, j] == spectrum[j, i].conj()``. omega: array_like, The frequencies. Note that the frequencies are assumed to be symmetric about zero. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which to calculate the frequency shifts. The default is all. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. Raises ------ ValueError If spectrum has incompatible shape. Returns ------- Delta: ndarray, shape ([n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2) The frequency shifts. .. _notes: Notes ----- The total frequency shifts are given by .. math:: \Delta_{\alpha\beta, kl} = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{\mathrm{d}{\omega}}{2\pi} S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) F_{\alpha\beta,kl}^{(2)}(\omega) with :math:`F_{\alpha\beta,kl}^{(2)}(\omega)` the second order filter function. See Also -------- calculate_second_order_filter_function: Corresponding filter function. calculate_decay_amplitudes: First order (dissipative) terms. infidelity: Compute the infidelity directly. pulse_sequence.concatenate: Concatenate ``PulseSequence`` objects. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function """ idx = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) filter_function_2 = pulse.get_filter_function(omega, order=2, show_progressbar=show_progressbar) integrand = _get_integrand(spectrum, omega, idx, which_pulse='total', which_FF='generalized', filter_function=filter_function_2) frequency_shifts = util.integrate(integrand, omega)/(2*np.pi) return frequency_shifts
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized')) def calculate_filter_function(control_matrix: ndarray, which: str = 'fidelity') -> ndarray: r"""Compute the filter function from the control matrix. Parameters ---------- control_matrix: array_like, shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix. which : str, optional Which filter function to return. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized' (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). Returns ------- filter_function: ndarray, shape (n_nops, n_nops, [d**2, d**2,] n_omega) The filter functions for each noise operator correlation. The diagonal corresponds to the filter functions for uncorrelated noise sources. .. _notes: Notes ----- The generalized filter function is given by .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta,kl}(\omega) = \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\alpha k}^\ast(\omega) \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\beta l}(\omega), where :math:`\alpha,\beta` are indices counting the noise operators :math:`B_\alpha` and :math:`k,l` indices counting the basis elements :math:`C_k`. The fidelity filter function is obtained by tracing over the basis indices: .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) = \sum_{k} F_{\alpha\beta,kk}(\omega). See Also -------- calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch: Control matrix from scratch. calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic: Control matrix from concatenation. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function: Pulse correlations. """ if which == 'fidelity': subscripts = 'ako,bko->abo' else: # which == 'generalized' subscripts = 'ako,blo->abklo' return np.einsum(subscripts, control_matrix.conj(), control_matrix)
[docs]def calculate_second_order_filter_function( eigvals: ndarray, eigvecs: ndarray, propagators: ndarray, omega: Coefficients, basis: Basis, n_opers: Sequence[Operator], n_coeffs: Sequence[Coefficients], dt: Coefficients, intermediates: Optional[Dict[str, ndarray]] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r"""Calculate the second order filter function for frequency shifts. Parameters ---------- eigvals: array_like, shape (n_dt, d) Eigenvalue vectors for each time pulse segment *l* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvals == array([D_0, D_1, ...])``. eigvecs: array_like, shape (n_dt, d, d) Eigenvector matrices for each time pulse segment *l* with the first axis counting the pulse segment, i.e. ``eigvecs == array([V_0, V_1, ...])``. propagators: array_like, shape (n_dt+1, d, d) The propagators :math:`Q_l = P_l P_{l-1}\cdots P_0` as a (d, d) array with *d* the dimension of the Hilbert space. omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) Frequencies at which the pulse control matrix is to be evaluated. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The basis elements in which the pulse control matrix will be expanded. n_opers: array_like, shape (n_nops, d, d) Noise operators :math:`B_\alpha`. n_coeffs: array_like, shape (n_nops, n_dt) The sensitivities of the system to the noise operators given by *n_opers* at the given time step. dt: array_like, shape (n_dt) Sequence duration, i.e. for the :math:`l`-th pulse :math:`t_l - t_{l-1}`. intermediates: Dict[str, ndarray], optional Intermediate terms of the calculation of the control matrix that can be reused here. If None (default), they are computed from scratch. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation. Returns ------- second_order_filter_function: ndarray, shape (n_nops, n_nops, d**2, d**2, n_omega) The second order filter function. .. _notes: Notes ----- The second order filter function is given by .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta, kl}^{(2)} = \sum_{g=1}^G\left[ \mathcal{G}_{\alpha k}^{(g)\ast}(\omega) \sum_{g'=1}^{g-1}\mathcal{G}_{\beta l}^{(g')}(\omega) + s_\alpha^{(g)}\bar{B}_{\alpha,ij}^{(g)}\bar{C}_{k,ji}^{(g)} I_{ijmn}^{(g)}(\omega)\bar{C}_{l,nm}^{(g) \bar{B}_{\beta,mn}^{(g)}s_\beta^{(g)}} \right] with .. math:: \mathcal{G}^{(g)}(\omega) &= e^{i\omega t_{g-1}}\mathcal{B}^{(g)}(\omega) \mathcal{Q}^{(g-1)}, \\ I_{ijmn}^{(g)}(\omega) &= \int_{t_{g-1}}^{t_g}\mathrm{d}{t} e^{i\Omega_{ij}^{(g)}(t - t_{g-1}) - i\omega t} \int_{t_{g-1}}^{t}\mathrm{d}{t'} e^{i\Omega_{mn}^{(g)}(t' - t_{g-1}) + i\omega t'}. See Also -------- calculate_frequency_shifts: Integrate over filter function times spectrum. calculate_decay_amplitudes: First order (dissipative) terms. infidelity: Compute the infidelity directly. pulse_sequence.concatenate: Concatenate ``PulseSequence`` objects. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function """ d = eigvals.shape[-1] # We're lazy n_coeffs = np.asarray(n_coeffs) # Allocate result and buffers for intermediate arrays dE_bufs = (np.empty((d, d, d, d), dtype=float), np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=float), np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=float)) exp_buf = np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex) frc_bufs = (np.empty((len(omega), d, d), dtype=complex), np.empty((d, d, d, d), dtype=complex)) int_buf = np.empty((len(omega), d, d, d, d), dtype=complex) msk_bufs = np.empty((2, len(omega), d, d, d, d), dtype=bool) ctrlmat_step_cumulative = np.zeros((len(n_coeffs), len(basis), len(omega)), dtype=complex) shape = (len(n_coeffs), len(n_coeffs), len(basis), len(basis), len(omega)) step_buf = np.empty(shape, dtype=complex) result = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex) # intermediate results from calculation of control matrix if intermediates is None: intermediates = dict() # Work around possibly populated intermediates dict with missing keys n_opers_transformed = intermediates.get('n_opers_transformed') if n_opers_transformed is None: n_opers_transformed = _transform_hamiltonian(eigvecs, n_opers, n_coeffs) try: basis_transformed_cache = intermediates['basis_transformed'] ctrlmat_step_cache = intermediates['control_matrix_step'] have_intermediates = True except KeyError: have_intermediates = False # No cache. Precompute some things and perform the costly computations # during each loop iteration below t = np.concatenate(([0], np.asarray(dt).cumsum())) eigvecs_propagated = _propagate_eigenvectors(propagators[:-1], eigvecs) basis_transformed = np.empty(basis.shape, dtype=complex) ctrlmat_step = np.zeros((len(n_coeffs), len(basis), len(omega)), dtype=complex) step_expr = oe.contract_expression('oijmn,akij,blmn->abklo', int_buf.shape, *[(len(n_coeffs), len(basis), d, d)]*2, optimize=[(0, 1), (0, 1)]) for g in util.progressbar_range(len(dt), show_progressbar=show_progressbar, desc='Calculating second order FF'): if not have_intermediates: basis_transformed = _transform_by_unitary(eigvecs_propagated[g], basis, out=basis_transformed) # Need to compute G^(g) since no cache given. First initialize # buffer to zero. There is a probably lots of overhead computing # this individually for every time step. ctrlmat_step[:] = 0 ctrlmat_step = calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch( eigvals[g:g+1], eigvecs[g:g+1], propagators[g:g+2], omega, basis, n_opers, n_coeffs[:, g:g+1], dt[g:g+1], t=t[g:g+1], show_progressbar=False, cache_intermediates=False, out=ctrlmat_step ) else: # grab both from cache basis_transformed = basis_transformed_cache[g] ctrlmat_step = ctrlmat_step_cache[g] int_buf = _second_order_integral(omega, eigvals[g], dt[g], int_buf, frc_bufs, dE_bufs, exp_buf, msk_bufs) n_opers_basis = np.einsum('akl,ilk->aikl', n_opers_transformed[:, g], basis_transformed) # We use step_buf as a buffer for the last interval (with nested time # dependence) and afterwards the intervals up to the last (where the # time dependence separates and we can use previous result for the # control matrix). opt_einsum seems to be faster than numpy here. step_buf = step_expr(int_buf, n_opers_basis, n_opers_basis, out=step_buf) result += step_buf # last interval if g > 0: step_buf = np.einsum('ako,blo->abklo', ctrlmat_step.conj(), ctrlmat_step_cumulative, out=step_buf) result += step_buf # all intervals up to last if g < len(dt) - 1: # Add G^(g-1) to cumulative sum for 1 < g < G, for g=0 it's # zero, for G it's not required as the loop terminates ctrlmat_step_cumulative += ctrlmat_step return result
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized')) def calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function(control_matrix: ndarray, which: str = 'fidelity') -> ndarray: r"""Compute pulse correlation filter function from control matrix. Parameters ---------- control_matrix: array_like, shape (n_pulses, n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix. which : str, optional Which filter function to return. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized' (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). Returns ------- filter_function_pc: ndarray, shape (n_pls, n_pls, n_nops, n_nops, [d**2, d**2,] n_omega) The pulse correlation filter functions for each pulse and noise operator correlations. The first two axes hold the pulse correlations, the second two the noise correlations. which : str, optional Which filter function to return. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized' (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). .. _notes: Notes ----- The generalized pulse correlation filter function is given by .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta,kl}^{(gg')}(\omega) = \bigl[ \mathcal{Q}^{(g'-1)\dagger} \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g')\dagger}(\omega) \bigr]_{k\alpha} \bigl[ \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g)}(\omega)\mathcal{Q}^{(g-1)} \bigr]_{\beta l} e^{i\omega(t_{g-1} - t_{g'-1})}, with :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g)}` the control matrix of the :math:`g`-th pulse. The fidelity pulse correlation function is obtained by tracing out the basis indices, .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta}^{(gg')}(\omega) = \sum_{k} F_{\alpha\beta,kk}^{(gg')}(\omega) See Also -------- calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch: Control matrix from scratch. calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic: Control matrix from concatenation. calculate_filter_function: Regular filter function. """ if control_matrix.ndim != 4: raise ValueError('Expected control_matrix.ndim == 4.') if which == 'fidelity': subscripts = 'gako,hbko->ghabo' else: # which == 'generalized' subscripts = 'gako,hblo->ghabklo' return np.einsum(subscripts, control_matrix.conj(), control_matrix)
[docs]def diagonalize(hamiltonian: ndarray, dt: Coefficients) -> Tuple[ndarray]: r"""Diagonalize a Hamiltonian. Diagonalize the Hamiltonian which is piecewise constant during the times given by *dt* and return eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and the cumulative propagators :math:`Q_l`. Note that we calculate in units where :math:`\hbar\equiv 1` so that .. math:: U(t, t_0) = \mathcal{T}\exp\left( -i\int_{t_0}^t\mathrm{d}t'\mathcal{H}(t') \right). Parameters ---------- hamiltonian: array_like, shape (n_dt, d, d) Hamiltonian of shape (n_dt, d, d) with d the dimensionality of the system dt: array_like The time differences Returns ------- eigvals: ndarray Array of eigenvalues of shape (n_dt, d) eigvecs: ndarray Array of eigenvectors of shape (n_dt, d, d) propagators: ndarray Array of cumulative propagators of shape (n_dt+1, d, d) """ d = hamiltonian.shape[-1] # Calculate Eigenvalues and -vectors eigvals, eigvecs = nla.eigh(hamiltonian) # Propagator P = V exp(-j D dt) V^\dag. Middle term is of shape # (d, n_dt) due to transpose, so switch around indices in einsum # instead of transposing again. Same goes for the last term. This saves # a bit of time. The following is faster for larger dimensions but not for # many time steps: # P = np.empty((500, 4, 4), dtype=complex) # for l, (V, D) in enumerate(zip(eigvecs, np.exp(-1j*dt*eigvals.T).T)): # P[l] = (V * D) @ V.conj().T piecewise = np.einsum('lij,jl,lkj->lik', eigvecs, util.cexp(-np.asarray(dt)*eigvals.T), eigvecs.conj()) # The cumulative propagator Q with the identity operator as first # element (Q_0 = P_0 = I), i.e. # Q = [Q_0, Q_1, ..., Q_n] = [P_0, P_1 @ P_0, ..., P_n @ ... @ P_0] cumulative = np.empty((len(dt)+1, d, d), dtype=complex) cumulative[0] = np.identity(d) for i in range(len(dt)): cumulative[i+1] = piecewise[i] @ cumulative[i] return eigvals, eigvecs, cumulative
[docs]def error_transfer_matrix( pulse: Optional['PulseSequence'] = None, spectrum: Optional[ndarray] = None, omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, second_order: bool = False, cumulant_function: Optional[ndarray] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, memory_parsimonious: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r"""Compute the error transfer matrix up to unitary rotations. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance for which to compute the error transfer matrix. spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] n_omega) The two-sided noise power spectral density in units of inverse frequencies as an array of shape (n_omega,), (n_nops, n_omega), or (n_nops, n_nops, n_omega). In the first case, the same spectrum is taken for all noise operators, in the second, it is assumed that there are no correlations between different noise sources and thus there is one spectrum for each noise operator. In the third and most general case, there may be a spectrum for each pair of noise operators corresponding to the correlations between them. n_nops is the number of noise operators considered and should be equal to ``len(n_oper_identifiers)``. omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies at which to calculate the filter functions. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which to evaluate the error transfer matrix. The default is all. Note that, since in general contributions from different noise operators won't commute, not selecting all noise operators results in neglecting terms of order :math:`\xi^4`. second_order: bool, optional Also take into account the frequency shifts :math:`\Delta` that correspond to second order Magnus expansion and constitute unitary terms. Default ``False``. cumulant_function: ndarray, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,] n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, d**2) A precomputed cumulant function. If given, *pulse*, *spectrum*, *omega* are not required. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. memory_parsimonious: bool, optional Trade memory footprint for performance. See :func:`~numeric.calculate_decay_amplitudes`. The default is ``False``. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation of the control matrix (if it is not already cached) that can be reused for second order or gradients. Can consume large amount of memory, but speed up the calculation. Returns ------- error_transfer_matrix: ndarray, shape (d**2, d**2) The error transfer matrix. The individual noise operator contributions are summed up before exponentiating as they might not commute. Notes ----- The error transfer matrix is given by .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{U}} = \exp\mathcal{K}(\tau) with :math:`\mathcal{K}(\tau)` the cumulant function (see :func:`calculate_cumulant_function`). For Gaussian noise this expression is exact when taking into account the decay amplitudes :math:`\Gamma` and frequency shifts :math:`\Delta`. As the latter effects coherent errors it can be neglected if we assume that the experimenter has calibrated their pulse. For non-Gaussian noise the expression above is perturbative and includes noise up to order :math:`\xi^2` and hence :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{U}} = \mathbb{1} + \mathcal{K}(\tau) + \mathcal{O}(\xi^4)` (although it is evaluated as a matrix exponential in any case). Given the above expression of the error transfer matrix, the entanglement fidelity is given by .. math:: \mathcal{F}_\mathrm{e} = \frac{1}{d^2}\mathrm{tr}\,\tilde{\mathcal{U}}. See Also -------- calculate_cumulant_function: Calculate the cumulant function :math:`\mathcal{K}` calculate_decay_amplitudes: Calculate the :math:`\Gamma_{\alpha\beta,kl}` infidelity: Calculate only infidelity of a pulse. """ if cumulant_function is None: if pulse is None or spectrum is None or omega is None: raise ValueError('Require either precomputed cumulant function ' + 'or pulse, spectrum, and omega as arguments.') cumulant_function = calculate_cumulant_function(pulse, spectrum, omega, n_oper_identifiers, 'total', second_order, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, memory_parsimonious=memory_parsimonious, cache_intermediates=cache_intermediates) try: # agnostic of the specific shape of cumulant_function, just sum over everything except for # the basis elements that sit on the last two axes error_transfer_matrix = sla.expm( cumulant_function.sum(axis=tuple(range(cumulant_function.ndim - 2))) ) except AttributeError as aerr: raise TypeError(f'cumulant_function invalid type: {type(cumulant_function)}') from aerr except ValueError as verr: raise ValueError(f'cumulant_function invalid shape: {cumulant_function.shape}') from verr return error_transfer_matrix
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('total', 'correlations')) def infidelity( pulse: 'PulseSequence', spectrum: Union[Coefficients, Callable], omega: Union[Coefficients, Dict[str, Union[int, str]]], n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, which: str = 'total', show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False, return_smallness: bool = False, test_convergence: bool = False ) -> Union[ndarray, Any]: r"""Calculate the leading order entanglement infidelity. This function calculates the infidelity approximately from the leading peturbation (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). To compute it exactly for Gaussian noise and vanishing coherent errors (second order Magnus terms), use :func:`error_transfer_matrix` to obtain it from the full process matrix. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance for which to calculate the infidelity for. spectrum: array_like, shape ([[n_nops,] n_nops,] omega) or callable The two-sided noise power spectral density in units of inverse frequencies as an array of shape (n_omega,), (n_nops, n_omega), or (n_nops, n_nops, n_omega). In the first case, the same spectrum is taken for all noise operators, in the second, it is assumed that there are no correlations between different noise sources and thus there is one spectrum for each noise operator. In the third and most general case, there may be a spectrum for each pair of noise operators corresponding to the correlations between them. n_nops is the number of noise operators considered and should be equal to ``len(n_oper_identifiers)``. If *test_convergence* is ``True``, a function handle to compute the power spectral density from a sequence of frequencies is expected. omega: array_like or dict The frequencies at which the integration is to be carried out. If *test_convergence* is ``True``, a dict with possible keys ('omega_IR', 'omega_UV', 'spacing', 'n_min', 'n_max', 'n_points'), where all entries are integers except for ``spacing`` which should be a string, either 'linear' or 'log'. 'n_points' controls how many steps are taken. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which to calculate the infidelity contribution. If given, the infidelities for each noise operator will be returned. Otherwise, all noise operators will be taken into account. which: str, optional Which infidelities should be calculated, may be either 'total' (default) or 'correlations'. In the former case, one value is returned for each noise operator, corresponding to the total infidelity of the pulse (or pulse sequence). In the latter, an array of infidelities is returned where element (i,j) corresponds to the infidelity contribution of the correlations between pulses i and j (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). Note that this option is only available if the pulse correlation filter functions have been computed during concatenation (see :func:`calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function` and :func:`~filter_functions.pulse_sequence.concatenate`). show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progressbar for the calculation of the control matrix. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep and return intermediate terms of the calculation of the control matrix (if it is not already cached) that can be reused for second order or gradients. The default is False. return_smallness: bool, optional Return the smallness parameter :math:`\xi` for the given spectrum. test_convergence: bool, optional Test the convergence of the integral with respect to the number of frequency samples. Returns the number of frequency samples and the corresponding fidelities. See *spectrum* and *omega* for more information. Returns ------- infid: ndarray, shape ([[n_pls, n_pls,], n_nops,] n_nops) Array with the infidelity contributions for each spectrum *spectrum* on the last axis or axes, depending on the shape of *spectrum* and *which*. If ``which`` is ``correlations``, the first two axes are the individual pulse contributions. If *spectrum* is 2-d (3-d), the last axis (two axes) are the individual spectral contributions. Only if *test_convergence* is ``False``. n_samples: array_like Array with number of frequency samples used for convergence test. Only if *test_convergence* is ``True``. convergence_infids: array_like Array with infidelities calculated in convergence test. Only if *test_convergence* is ``True``. .. _notes: Notes ----- The infidelity is given by .. math:: \mathcal{I}_{\alpha\beta} &= 1 - \frac{1}{d^2}\mathrm{tr}\:\tilde{\mathcal{U}} \\ &= \frac{1}{d}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\mathrm{d}\omega}{2\pi}S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) F_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) + \mathcal{O}\big(\xi^4\big) \\ &= \sum_{g,g'=1}^G \mathcal{I}_{\alpha\beta}^{(gg')} with :math:`S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)` the two-sided noise spectral density and :math:`F_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)` the first-order filter function for noise sources :math:`\alpha,\beta`. The noise spectrum may include correlated noise sources, that is, its entry at :math:`(\alpha,\beta)` corresponds to the correlations between sources :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta`. :math:`\mathcal{I}_{\alpha\beta}^{(gg')}` are the correlation infidelities that can be computed by setting ``which='correlations'``. To convert to the average gate infidelity, use the following relation given by Horodecki et al. [Hor99]_ and Nielsen [Nie02]_: .. math:: \mathcal{I}_\mathrm{avg} = \frac{d}{d+1}\mathcal{I}. The smallness parameter is given by .. math:: \xi^2 = \sum_\alpha\left[ \lvert\lvert B_\alpha\rvert\rvert^2 \int_{-\infty}^\infty\frac{\mathrm{d}\omega}{2\pi} S_\alpha(\omega)\left(\sum_gs_\alpha^{(g)}\Delta t_g \right)^2 \right]. Note that in practice, the integral is only evaluated on the interval :math:`\omega\in[\omega_\mathrm{min},\omega_\mathrm{max}]`. See Also -------- calculate_decay_amplitudes: Calculate the full matrix of first order terms. error_transfer_matrix: Calculate the full process matrix. plotting.plot_infidelity_convergence: Convenience function to plot results. pulse_sequence.concatenate: Concatenate ``PulseSequence`` objects. calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function. References ---------- .. [Hor99] Horodecki, M., Horodecki, P., & Horodecki, R. (1999). General teleportation channel, singlet fraction, and quasidistillation. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 60(3), 1888–1898. .. [Nie02] Nielsen, M. A. (2002). A simple formula for the average gate fidelity of a quantum dynamical operation. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 303(4), 249–252. """ # Noise operator indices idx = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) if test_convergence: if not callable(spectrum): raise TypeError('Spectrum should be callable when test_convergence == True.') # Parse argument dict try: omega_IR = omega.get('omega_IR', 2*np.pi/pulse.tau*1e-2) except AttributeError: raise TypeError('omega should be dictionary with parameters ' + 'when test_convergence == True.') omega_UV = omega.get('omega_UV', 2*np.pi/pulse.tau*1e+2) spacing = omega.get('spacing', 'linear') n_min = omega.get('n_min', 100) n_max = omega.get('n_max', 500) n_points = omega.get('n_points', 10) # Alias numpy's linspace or logspace method depending on the spacing # omega has if spacing == 'linear': xspace = np.linspace elif spacing == 'log': xspace = np.geomspace else: raise ValueError("spacing should be either 'linear' or 'log'.") delta_n = (n_max - n_min)//(n_points - 1) n_samples = np.arange(n_min, n_max + delta_n, delta_n) convergence_infids = np.empty((len(n_samples), len(idx))) for i, n in enumerate(n_samples): freqs = xspace(omega_IR, omega_UV, n) convergence_infids[i] = infidelity(pulse, spectrum(freqs), freqs, n_oper_identifiers=n_oper_identifiers, which='total', show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=False, return_smallness=False, test_convergence=False) return n_samples, convergence_infids if which == 'total': if not pulse.basis.istraceless: # Fidelity not simply sum of diagonal of decay amplitudes Gamma_kk # but trace tensor plays a role, cf eq. (39). For traceless bases, # the trace tensor term reduces to delta_ij. traces = pulse.basis.four_element_traces traces_diag = (sparse.diagonal(traces, axis1=2, axis2=3).sum(-1) - sparse.diagonal(traces, axis1=1, axis2=3).sum(-1)).todense() control_matrix = pulse.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates) filter_function = np.einsum('ako,blo,kl->abo', control_matrix.conj(), control_matrix, traces_diag)/pulse.d else: filter_function = pulse.get_filter_function(omega, which='fidelity', show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=cache_intermediates) else: # which == 'correlations' if pulse.is_cached('omega') and not np.array_equal(, omega): raise ValueError('Pulse correlation infidelities requested ' + 'but omega not equal to cached frequencies.') filter_function = pulse.get_pulse_correlation_filter_function() integrand = _get_integrand(spectrum, omega, idx, which, 'fidelity', filter_function=filter_function) infid = util.integrate(integrand, omega)/(2*np.pi*pulse.d) if return_smallness: if spectrum.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError('Smallness parameter only implemented ' + 'for uncorrelated noise sources') T1 = util.integrate(spectrum, omega)/(2*np.pi) T2 = (pulse.dt*pulse.n_coeffs[idx]).sum(axis=-1)**2 T3 = util.abs2(pulse.n_opers[idx]).sum(axis=(1, 2)) xi = np.sqrt((T1*T2*T3).sum()) return infid, xi return infid