Source code for filter_functions.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
#     filter_functions
#     Copyright (C) 2019 Quantum Technology Group, RWTH Aachen University
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
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This module provides various plotting functions.

    Plot the evolution of the Bloch vector on a QuTiP-generated Bloch
    Plot the filter function of a given ``PulseSequence``
    Helper function called by
    :func:`~filter_functions.pulse_sequence.infidelity` to plot the
    convergence of the infidelity
    Plot the pulse correlation filter function of a given
    Plot the pulse train of a given ``PulseSequence``
    Plot the cumulant function of a ``PulseSequence`` for a given
    spectrum as an image.

from packaging import version
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
from unittest import mock
from warnings import warn

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm, collections, colors, lines
from mpl_toolkits import axes_grid1
from numpy import ndarray

from . import numeric, util
from .types import (Axes, Coefficients, Colormap, Cycler, Figure, FigureAxes, FigureAxesLegend,
                    FigureGrid, Grid, Operator, State)

__all__ = ['plot_cumulant_function', 'plot_infidelity_convergence', 'plot_filter_function',
           'plot_pulse_correlation_filter_function', 'plot_pulse_train']

    import qutip as qt
except ImportError:
    warn('Qutip not installed. plot_bloch_vector_evolution() is not available')
    qt = mock.Mock()

def _make_str_tex_compatible(s: str) -> str:
    """Escape incompatible characters in strings passed to TeX."""
    if not plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
        return s

    s = str(s)
    incompatible = ('_',)
    for char in incompatible:
        locs = [i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == char]
        # Loop backwards so as not to change locs when modifying s
        for loc in locs[::-1]:
            # Check if already escaped or math environment, if not add escape character
            if not s[loc-1:].startswith('\\') and not s.count('$', loc) % 2:
                s = s[:loc] + '\\' + s[loc:]

    return s

def _import_qutip_or_raise():
        import qutip as qt
    except ImportError as err:
        raise RuntimeError('Requirements not fulfilled. Please install Qutip') from err
    return qt

def get_bloch_vector(states: Sequence[State]) -> ndarray:
    """Get the Bloch vector from quantum states."""
    qt = _import_qutip_or_raise()

    if isinstance(states[0], qt.Qobj):
        a = np.empty((3, len(states)))
        X, Y, Z = qt.sigmax(), qt.sigmay(), qt.sigmaz()
        for i, state in enumerate(states):
            a[:, i] = [qt.expect(X, state),
                       qt.expect(Y, state),
                       qt.expect(Z, state)]
        a = np.einsum('...ij,kil,...lm->k...', np.conj(states), util.paulis[1:], states)

    return a.real

def init_bloch_sphere(**bloch_kwargs) -> qt.Bloch:
    """A helper function to create a Bloch instance with a default viewing
    angle and axis labels."""
    qt = _import_qutip_or_raise()

    bloch_kwargs.setdefault('view', [-150, 30])
    b = qt.Bloch(**bloch_kwargs)

    if hasattr(b.axes, 'set_box_aspect'):
        b.axes.set_box_aspect([1, 1, 1])

    b.xlabel = [r'$|+\rangle$', '']
    b.ylabel = [r'$|+_i\rangle$', '']
    return b

def get_states_from_prop(U: Sequence[Operator], psi0: Optional[State] = None) -> ndarray:
    Get the the quantum state at time t from the propagator and the
    inital state:

    .. math::

        |\psi(t)\rangle = U(t, 0)|\psi(0)\rangle

    if psi0 is None:
        # default to |0>
        psi0 = np.c_[1:-1:-1]
    elif hasattr(psi0, 'full'):
        # qutip.Qobj
        psi0 = psi0.full()

    if psi0.shape[-2:] != (2, 1):
        raise ValueError('Initial state should be shape (..., 2, 1)')

    return U @ psi0

[docs]def plot_bloch_vector_evolution( pulse: 'PulseSequence', psi0: Optional[State] = None, b: Optional[qt.Bloch] = None, n_samples: Optional[int] = None, cmap: Colormap = 'winter', add_cbar: bool = False, show: bool = True, return_Bloch: bool = False, cbar_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **bloch_kwargs ) -> Union[None, qt.Bloch]: r""" Plot the evolution of the Bloch vector under the given pulse sequence. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The PulseSequence instance whose control Hamiltonian determines the time evolution of the Bloch vector. psi0: Qobj or array_like, optional The initial state before the pulse is applied. Defaults to :math:`|0\rangle`. b: qutip.Bloch, optional If given, the QuTiP Bloch instance on which to plot the time evolution. n_samples: int, optional The number of time points to be sampled. cmap: matplotlib colormap, optional The colormap for the trajectory. Requires ``matplotlib >= 3.3.0``. add_cbar: bool, optional Add a colorbar encoding the time evolution to the figure. Default is false. show: bool, optional Whether to show the sphere (by calling :code:`b.make_sphere()`). return_Bloch: bool, optional Whether to return the :class:`qutip.bloch.Bloch` instance cbar_kwargs: dict, optional A dictionary with keyword arguments to be fed into the colorbar constructor (if ``add_cbar == True``). **bloch_kwargs: optional Keyword arguments to be fed into the qutip.Bloch constructor (if *b* not given). Returns ------- b: qutip.Bloch The qutip.Bloch instance Raises ------ ValueError If the pulse is for more than one qubit See Also -------- qutip.bloch.Bloch: Qutip's Bloch sphere implementation. """ # Raise an exception if not a one-qubit pulse if not pulse.d == 2: raise ValueError('Plotting Bloch sphere evolution only implemented for one-qubit case!') # Parse default arguments figsize = bloch_kwargs.pop('figsize', [5, 5]) view = bloch_kwargs.pop('view', [-60, 30]) if b is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) axes = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d', azim=view[0], elev=view[1]) b = init_bloch_sphere(fig=fig, axes=axes, **bloch_kwargs) else: if b.fig is None: b.fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if b.axes is None: b.axes = b.fig.add_subplot(projection='3d', azim=view[0], elev=view[1]) if show: b.make_sphere() if n_samples is None: # At least 100, at most 5000 points, default 10 points per smallest # time interval n_samples = min(5000, max(10*int(pulse.tau/pulse.dt.min()), 100)) times = np.linspace(pulse.t[0], pulse.tau, n_samples) propagators = pulse.propagator_at_arb_t(times) points = get_bloch_vector(get_states_from_prop(propagators, psi0)) # Qutip convention: -x at +y, +y at +x copy = points.copy() points[0] = copy[1] points[1] = -copy[0] # Check the matplotlib version to see if we can draw a color gradient line. If not, draw sphere # after adding the points using the Bloch method. If yes, we apparently need to draw the sphere # before manually adding the line collection, otherwise there is some strange thing going on in # notebooks and the lines are not rendered. if version.parse(matplotlib.__version__) < version.parse('3.3.0'): # Colored trajectory not available. b.axes.plot(*points, color='b', alpha=0.75) else: points = points.T.reshape(-1, 1, 3) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) segment_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, n_samples - 1)) lc = collections.LineCollection(segments[:, :, :2], colors=segment_colors, alpha=0.75) b.axes.add_collection3d(lc, zdir='z', zs=segments[:, :, 2]) if add_cbar: default_cbar_kwargs = dict(shrink=2/3, pad=0.05, label=r'$t$ ($\tau$)', ticks=[0, 1]) cbar_kwargs = {**default_cbar_kwargs, **(cbar_kwargs or {})} b.fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap), **cbar_kwargs) if return_Bloch: return b
[docs]def plot_pulse_train( pulse: 'PulseSequence', c_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, fig: Optional[Figure] = None, axes: Optional[Axes] = None, cycler: Optional[Cycler] = None, plot_kw: Optional[dict] = {}, subplot_kw: Optional[dict] = None, gridspec_kw: Optional[dict] = None, **figure_kw ) -> FigureAxesLegend: """ Plot the pulsetrain of the ``PulseSequence`` *pulse*. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The pulse sequence whose pulse train to plot. c_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the control operators for which the pulse train should be plotted. All identifiers can be accessed via ``pulse.c_oper_identifiers``. Defaults to all. fig: matplotlib figure, optional A matplotlib figure instance to plot in axes: matplotlib axes, optional A matplotlib axes instance to use for plotting. cycler: cycler.Cycler, optional A Cycler instance used to set the style cycle if multiple lines are to be drawn plot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the plot function subplot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the subplots constructor gridspec_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the gridspec constructor figure_kw: optional Keyword argument dictionaries that are fed into the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` function if no *fig* instance is specified. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure The matplotlib figure instance used for plotting. axes: matplotlib axes The matplotlib axes instance used for plotting. legend: matplotlib legend The matplotlib legend instance in the plot. Raises ------ ValueError If an invalid number of c_oper_labels were given """ c_oper_inds = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.c_oper_identifiers, c_oper_identifiers) c_oper_identifiers = pulse.c_oper_identifiers[c_oper_inds] if fig is None and axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, **figure_kw) elif axes is None and fig is not None: subplot_kw = subplot_kw or {} axes = fig.add_subplot(111, **subplot_kw) elif fig is None and axes is not None: fig = axes.figure if cycler is not None: axes.set_prop_cycle(cycler) handles = [] for i, c_coeffs in enumerate(pulse.c_coeffs[tuple(c_oper_inds), ...]): coeffs = np.insert(c_coeffs, 0, c_coeffs[0]) handles += axes.step(pulse.t, coeffs, label=_make_str_tex_compatible(c_oper_identifiers[i]), **plot_kw) axes.set_xlim(pulse.t[0], pulse.tau) axes.set_xlabel(r'$t$ / a.u.') axes.set_ylabel(r'Control parameter / a.u.') axes.grid(True) legend = axes.legend(framealpha=1) return fig, axes, legend
[docs]def plot_filter_function( pulse: 'PulseSequence', omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, fig: Optional[Figure] = None, axes: Optional[Axes] = None, xscale: str = 'log', yscale: str = 'linear', omega_in_units_of_tau: bool = True, cycler: Optional[Cycler] = None, plot_kw: dict = {}, subplot_kw: Optional[dict] = None, gridspec_kw: Optional[dict] = None, **figure_kw ) -> FigureAxesLegend: r""" Plot the fidelity filter function(s) of the given PulseSequence for positive frequencies. As of now only the diagonal elements of :math:`F_{\alpha\beta}` are implemented, i.e. the filter functions corresponding to uncorrelated noise sources. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The pulse sequence whose filter function to plot. omega: array_like, optional The frequencies at which to evaluate the filter function. If not given, the pulse sequence's omega attribute is used (if set) or sensible values are chosen automatically (if ``None``) n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which the filter function should be plotted. All identifiers can be accessed via ``pulse.n_oper_identifiers``. Defaults to all. fig: matplotlib figure, optional A matplotlib figure instance to plot in axes: matplotlib axes, optional A matplotlib axes instance to use for plotting. xscale: str, optional x-axis scaling. One of ('linear', 'log'). yscale: str, optional y-axis scaling. One of ('linear', 'log'). omega_in_units_of_tau: bool, optional Plot :math:`\omega\tau` or just :math:`\omega` on x-axis. cycler: cycler.Cycler, optional A Cycler instance used to set the style cycle if multiple lines are to be drawn plot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the plot function subplot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the subplots constructor gridspec_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the gridspec constructor figure_kw: optional Keyword argument dictionaries that are fed into the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` function if no *fig* instance is specified. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure The matplotlib figure instance used for plotting. axes: matplotlib axes The matplotlib axes instance used for plotting. legend: matplotlib legend The matplotlib legend instance in the plot. Raises ------ ValueError If an invalid number of n_oper_labels were given """ if omega is None: if is None: omega = util.get_sample_frequencies(pulse, spacing=xscale) else: omega = n_oper_inds = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) n_oper_identifiers = pulse.n_oper_identifiers[n_oper_inds] if fig is None and axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, **figure_kw) elif axes is None and fig is not None: subplot_kw = subplot_kw or {} axes = fig.add_subplot(111, **subplot_kw) elif fig is None and axes is not None: fig = axes.figure if cycler is not None: axes.set_prop_cycle(cycler) if omega_in_units_of_tau: tau = np.ptp(pulse.t) z = omega*tau xlabel = r'$\omega\tau$' else: z = omega xlabel = r'$\omega$' diag_idx = np.arange(len(pulse.n_opers)) filter_function = pulse.get_filter_function(omega)[diag_idx, diag_idx].real handles = [] for i, ind in enumerate(n_oper_inds): handles += axes.plot(z, filter_function[ind], label=_make_str_tex_compatible(n_oper_identifiers[i]), **plot_kw) # Set the axis scales axes.set_xscale(xscale) axes.set_yscale(yscale) if xscale != 'linear': z_min_idx = (z > 0).nonzero()[0][0] else: z_min_idx = (z >= 0).nonzero()[0][0] if yscale == 'linear': axes.set_ylim(bottom=0) axes.set_xlim(z[z_min_idx], max(z)) axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) axes.set_ylabel(r'$F(\omega)$') axes.grid(True) legend = axes.legend() return fig, axes, legend
[docs]def plot_pulse_correlation_filter_function( pulse: 'PulseSequence', n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, fig: Optional[Figure] = None, xscale: str = 'log', yscale: str = 'linear', omega_in_units_of_tau: bool = True, cycler: Optional[Cycler] = None, plot_kw: dict = {}, subplot_kw: Optional[dict] = None, gridspec_kw: Optional[dict] = None, **figure_kw ) -> FigureAxesLegend: r""" Plot the fidelity pulse correlation filter functions of the given PulseSequence if they were computed during concatenation for positive frequencies. Returns a figure with *n* by *n* subplots where *n* is the number of pulses that were concatenated. As of now only the diagonal elements of :math:`F_{\alpha\beta}` are implemented, i.e. the filter functions corresponding to uncorrelated noise sources. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The pulse sequence whose filter function to plot. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which the filter function should be plotted. All identifiers can be accessed via ``pulse.n_oper_identifiers``. Defaults to all. fig: matplotlib figure, optional A matplotlib figure instance to plot in xscale: str, optional x-axis scaling. One of ('linear', 'log'). yscale: str, optional y-axis scaling. One of ('linear', 'log'). omega_in_units_of_tau: bool, optional Plot :math:`\omega\tau` or just :math:`\omega` on x-axis. cycler: cycler.Cycler, optional A Cycler instance used to set the style cycle if multiple lines are to be drawn in one subplot. Used for all subplots. plot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the plot function subplot_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the subplots constructor gridspec_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the gridspec constructor figure_kw: optional Keyword argument dictionaries that are fed into the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots` function if no *fig* instance if specified. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure The matplotlib figure instance used for plotting. axes: matplotlib axes The matplotlib axes instances used for plotting. legend: matplotlib legend The matplotlib legend instance in the plot. Raises ------ CalculationError If the pulse correlation filter function was not computed during concatenation. """ n_oper_inds = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) n_oper_identifiers = pulse.n_oper_identifiers[n_oper_inds] diag_idx = np.arange(len(pulse.n_opers)) F_pc = pulse.get_pulse_correlation_filter_function() F_pc = F_pc[:, :, diag_idx, diag_idx] n = F_pc.shape[0] if fig is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, n, sharex=True, subplot_kw=subplot_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, **figure_kw) else: subplot_kw = subplot_kw or {} axes = np.empty((n, n), dtype='O') axes[0, 0] = fig.add_subplot(n, n, 1, **subplot_kw) for row in range(n): for col in range(n): if not (row == 0 and col == 0): index = np.ravel_multi_index([row, col], dims=(n, n)) + 1 axes[row, col] = fig.add_subplot(n, n, index, sharex=axes[0, 0], **subplot_kw) omega = if omega_in_units_of_tau: tau = np.ptp(pulse.t) z = omega*tau xlabel = r'$\omega\tau$' else: z = omega xlabel = r'$\omega$' transparent_line = lines.Line2D([], [], alpha=0) solid_line = lines.Line2D([], [], color='gray', linestyle='-') dashed_line = lines.Line2D([], [], color='gray', linestyle='--') for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if cycler is not None: axes[i, j].set_prop_cycle(cycler) handles = [] for k, ind in enumerate(n_oper_inds): handles += axes[i, j].plot(z, F_pc[i, j, ind].real, label=_make_str_tex_compatible(n_oper_identifiers[k]), **plot_kw) if i != j: axes[i, j].plot(z, F_pc[i, j, ind].imag, linestyle='--', color=handles[-1].get_color(), **plot_kw) # Set the axis scales axes[i, j].set_yscale(yscale) axes[i, j].set_title(rf'$F^{{({i}{j})}}(\omega)$') if i != n-1: # Hide the ticklabels on all but the lowest row axes[i, j].axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) else: axes[i, j].set_xlabel(xlabel) if i == 0 and j == n-1: handles += [transparent_line, solid_line, dashed_line] labels = ([_make_str_tex_compatible(n) for n in n_oper_identifiers] + ['', r'$Re$', r'$Im$']) legend = axes[i, j].legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., frameon=False) axes[i, j].set_xscale(xscale) if xscale == 'log': z_min_idx = (z > 0).nonzero()[0][0] else: z_min_idx = (z >= 0).nonzero()[0][0] axes[i, j].set_xlim(z[z_min_idx], max(z)) fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.1) return fig, axes, legend
[docs]def plot_infidelity_convergence(n_samples: Sequence[int], infids: Sequence[float], axes: Optional[Axes] = None) -> FigureAxes: """ Plot the convergence of the infidelity integral. The function arguments are those returned by :func:`~filter_functions.numeric.infidelity` with the *test_convergence* flag set to ``True``. Parameters ---------- n_samples: array_like Array with the number of samples at which the integral was evaluated infids: array_like, shape (n_samples, [n_oper_inds, optional]) Array with the calculated infidelities for each noise operator on the second axis or the second axis already traced out. axes: sequence of two matplotlib axes, optional Two axes that the result is plotted in. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure The matplotlib figure instance used for plotting. axes: matplotlib axes The matplotlib axes instances used for plotting. """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) else: fig = axes[0].get_figure() axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$n_\omega$') axes[0].set_ylabel(r'$\mathcal{I}$') axes[1].set_ylabel(r'$|\Delta\mathcal{I}|/\mathcal{I}$ (%)') axes[0].set_xlim(min(n_samples), max(n_samples)) axes[0].grid() axes[1].grid() axes[0].plot(n_samples, infids, 'o-') axes[1].semilogy(n_samples, np.abs(np.gradient(infids, axis=0))/infids*100, 'o-') return fig, axes
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(colorscale=('linear', 'log')) def plot_cumulant_function( pulse: Optional['PulseSequence'] = None, spectrum: Optional[ndarray] = None, omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, cumulant_function: Optional[ndarray] = None, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, second_order: bool = False, colorscale: str = 'linear', linthresh: Optional[float] = None, basis_labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, basis_labelsize: Optional[int] = None, cbar_label: str = 'Cumulant Function', cbar_labelsize: Optional[int] = None, fig: Optional[Figure] = None, grid: Optional[Grid] = None, cmap: Optional[Colormap] = None, grid_kw: Optional[dict] = None, cbar_kw: Optional[dict] = None, imshow_kw: Optional[dict] = None, **figure_kw ) -> FigureGrid: r"""Plot the cumulant function for a given noise spectrum as an image. The cumulant function generates the error transfer matrix :math:`\tilde{\mathcal{U}}` exactly for Gaussian noise and to second order for non-Gaussian noise. The function may be called with either a ``PulseSequence``, a spectrum, and a list of frequencies in which case the cumulant function is calculated for those parameters, or with a precomputed cumulant function. As of now, only auto-correlated spectra are implemented. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The pulse sequence. spectrum: ndarray The two-sided noise spectrum. omega: array_like The frequencies for which to evaluate the error transfer matrix. cumulant_function: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d**2, d**2) A precomputed cumulant function. If given, *pulse*, *spectrum*, *omega* are not required. n_oper_identifiers: array_like, optional The identifiers of the noise operators for which the cumulant function should be plotted. All identifiers can be accessed via ``pulse.n_oper_identifiers``. Defaults to all. second_order: bool, optional Also take into account the frequency shifts :math:`\Delta` that correspond to second order Magnus expansion and constitute unitary terms. Default ``False``. colorscale: str, optional The scale of the color code ('linear' or 'log' (default)) linthresh: float, optional The threshold below which the colorscale will be linear (only for 'log') colorscale basis_labels: array_like (str), optional Custom labels for the elements of the cumulant function (the basis elements). Grabbed from the basis by default. basis_labelsize: int, optional The size in points for the basis labels. cbar_label: str, optional The label for the colorbar. Default: 'Cumulant Function'. cbar_labelsize: int, optional The size in points for the colorbar label. fig: matplotlib figure, optional A matplotlib figure instance to plot in grid: matplotlib ImageGrid, optional An ImageGrid instance to use for plotting. cmap: matplotlib colormap, optional The colormap for the matrix plot. grid_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the ImageGrid constructor. cbar_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to the colorbar constructor. imshow_kw: dict, optional Dictionary with keyword arguments passed to imshow. figure_kw: optional Keyword argument dictionaries that are fed into the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure` function if no *fig* instance is specified. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure The matplotlib figure instance used for plotting. grid: matplotlib ImageGrid The ImageGrid instance used for plotting. """ K = cumulant_function if K is not None: if K.ndim == 2: K = np.array([K]) n_oper_inds = np.arange(len(K)) if n_oper_identifiers is None: if pulse is not None and len(pulse.n_oper_identifiers) == len(K): n_oper_identifiers = pulse.n_oper_identifiers else: n_oper_identifiers = [f'$B_{{{i}}}$' for i in range(len(n_oper_inds))] else: if len(n_oper_identifiers) != len(K): raise ValueError( 'Both precomputed cumulant function and n_oper_identifiers ' + f'given but not same len: {len(K)} != {len(n_oper_identifiers)}' ) else: if pulse is None or spectrum is None or omega is None: raise ValueError('Require either precomputed cumulant function ' + 'or pulse, spectrum, and omega as arguments.') n_oper_inds = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) n_oper_identifiers = pulse.n_oper_identifiers[n_oper_inds] K = numeric.calculate_cumulant_function(pulse, spectrum, omega, n_oper_identifiers, 'total', second_order) if K.ndim == 4: # Only autocorrelated noise supported K = K[tuple(n_oper_inds), tuple(n_oper_inds)] # Only autocorrelated noise implemented for now, ie K is real K = K.real if basis_labels is None: if pulse is not None: basis_labels = pulse.basis.labels else: basis_labels = [f'$C_{{{i}}}$' for i in range(K.shape[-1])] else: if basis_labels is not None and len(basis_labels) != K.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('Invalid number of basis_labels given') basis_labels = [_make_str_tex_compatible(bl) for bl in basis_labels] if grid is None: aspect_ratio = 2/3 n_rows = int(np.round(np.sqrt(aspect_ratio*len(n_oper_inds)))) n_cols = int(np.ceil(len(n_oper_inds)/n_rows)) grid_kw = grid_kw or {} grid_kw.setdefault('rect', 111) grid_kw.setdefault('nrows_ncols', (n_rows, n_cols)) grid_kw.setdefault('axes_pad', 0.3) grid_kw.setdefault('label_mode', 'L') grid_kw.setdefault('share_all', True) grid_kw.setdefault('direction', 'row') grid_kw.setdefault('cbar_mode', 'single') grid_kw.setdefault('cbar_pad', 0.3) if fig is None: figsize = figure_kw.pop('figsize', (8*n_cols, 6*n_rows)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, **figure_kw) grid = axes_grid1.ImageGrid(fig, **grid_kw) else: if len(grid) != len(n_oper_inds): raise ValueError('Size of supplied ImageGrid instance does not ' + 'match the number of n_oper_identifiers given!') fig = grid[0].get_figure() # Parse default arguments if cmap is not None: plt.get_cmap(cmap) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu') Kmax = np.abs(K).max() Kmin = -Kmax if colorscale == 'log': linthresh = np.abs(K).mean()/10 if linthresh is None else linthresh norm = colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=linthresh, vmin=Kmin, vmax=Kmax) else: # colorscale == 'linear' norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=Kmin, vmax=Kmax) imshow_kw = imshow_kw or {} imshow_kw.setdefault('origin', 'upper') imshow_kw.setdefault('interpolation', 'nearest') imshow_kw.setdefault('cmap', cmap) imshow_kw.setdefault('norm', norm) basis_labelsize = basis_labelsize or 8 cbar_labelsize = cbar_labelsize or plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] # Draw the images for i, n_oper_identifier in enumerate(n_oper_identifiers): ax = grid[i] im = ax.imshow(K[i], **imshow_kw) ax.set_title(n_oper_identifier, loc='left') ax.set_xticks(np.arange(K.shape[-1])) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(K.shape[-1])) ax.set_xticklabels(basis_labels, fontsize=basis_labelsize, rotation='vertical') ax.set_yticklabels(basis_labels, fontsize=basis_labelsize) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) # Set up the colorbar cbar_kw = cbar_kw or {} cbar_kw.setdefault('orientation', 'vertical') cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=grid.cbar_axes[0], **cbar_kw) cbar.set_label(_make_str_tex_compatible(cbar_label), fontsize=cbar_labelsize) return fig, grid