Source code for filter_functions.pulse_sequence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
#     filter_functions
#     Copyright (C) 2019 Quantum Technology Group, RWTH Aachen University
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"""This module defines the PulseSequence class, the package's central object.

    The pulse sequence defined by a Hamiltonian

    Function to concatenate different ``PulseSequence`` instances and
    efficiently compute their joint filter function
    Function to more efficiently concatenate many versions of the same
    ``PulseSequence`` instances and compute their joint filter function
    Function to map several ``PulseSequence`` instances to different
    qubits, efficiently scaling up cached attributes.

import bisect
import copy
from itertools import accumulate, compress, zip_longest
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as nla
from numpy import ndarray

from . import gradient, numeric, util
from .basis import Basis, equivalent_pauli_basis_elements, remap_pauli_basis_elements
from .superoperator import liouville_representation
from .types import Coefficients, Hamiltonian, Operator, PulseMapping

__all__ = ['PulseSequence', 'concatenate', 'concatenate_periodic', 'extend', 'remap']

[docs]class PulseSequence: r""" A class for pulse sequences and their filter functions. The Hamiltonian is separated into a control and a noise part with .. math:: \mathcal{H}_c &= \sum_i a_i(t) A_i \\ \mathcal{H}_n &= \sum_j s_j(t) b_j(t) B_j where :math:`A_i` and :math:`B_j` are hermitian operators and :math:`b_j(t)` are classically fluctuating noise variables captured in a power spectral density and not needed at instantiation of a ``PulseSequence``. Parameters ---------- H_c: list of lists A nested list of *n_cops* nested lists as taken by QuTiP functions (see for example :func:`qutip.propagator.propagator`) describing the control part of the Hamiltonian. The *i*-th entry of the list should be a list consisting of the *i*-th operator :math:`A_i` making up the control Hamiltonian and a list or array :math:`a_i(t)` describing the magnitude of that operator during the time intervals *dt*. Optionally, the list may also include operator identifiers. That is, *H_c* should look something like this:: H = [[c_oper1, c_coeff1, c_oper_identifier1], [c_oper2, c_coeff2, c_oper_identifier2], ...] The operators may be given either as NumPy arrays or QuTiP Qobjs and each coefficient array should have the same number of elements as *dt*, and should be given in units of :math:`\hbar`. If not every sublist (read: operator) was given a identifier, they are automatically filled up with 'A_i' where i is the position of the operator. H_n: list of lists A nested list of *n_nops* nested lists as taken by QuTiP functions (see for example :func:`qutip.propagator.propagator`) describing the noise part of the Hamiltonian. The *j*-th entry of the list should be a list consisting of the *j*-th operator :math:`B_j` making up the noise Hamiltonian and a list or array describing the sensitivity :math:`s_j(t)` of the system to the noise operator during the time intervals *dt*. Optionally, the list may also include operator identifiers. That is, *H_n* should look something like this:: H = [[n_oper1, n_coeff1, n_oper_identifier1], [n_oper2, n_coeff2, n_oper_identifier2], ...] The operators may be given either as NumPy arrays or QuTiP Qobjs and each coefficient array should have the same number of elements as *dt*, and should be given in units of :math:`\hbar`. If not every sublist (read: operator) was given a identifier, they are automatically filled up with 'B_i' where i is the position of the operator. dt: array_like, shape (n_dt,) The segment durations of the Hamiltonian (i.e. durations of constant control). Internally, the control operation is taken to start at :math:`t_0\equiv 0`, i.e. the edges of the constant control segments are at times ``t = [0, *np.cumsum(dt)]``. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d), optional The operator basis in which to calculate. If a Generalized Gell-Mann basis (see :meth:`~basis.Basis.ggm`) is chosen, some calculations will be faster for large dimensions due to a simpler basis expansion. However, when extending the pulse sequence to larger qubit registers, cached filter functions cannot be retained since the GGM basis does not factor into tensor products. In this case a Pauli basis is preferable. Examples -------- A rotation by :math:`\pi` around the axis between x and y preceeded and followed by a period of free evolution with the system subject to dephasing noise. >>> import qutip as qt; import numpy as np >>> H_c = [[qt.sigmax(), [0, np.pi, 0]], [qt.sigmay(), [0, np.pi, 0]]] >>> # Equivalent pulse: >>> # H_c = [[qt.sigmax() + qt.sigmay(), [0, np.pi, 0]]] >>> # The noise sensitivity is constant >>> H_n = [[qt.sigmaz()/np.sqrt(2), [1, 1, 1], 'Z']] >>> dt = [1, 1, 1] >>> # Free evolution between t=0 and t=1, rotation between t=1 and t=2, >>> # and free evolution again from t=2 to t=3. >>> pulse = PulseSequence(H_c, H_n, dt) >>> pulse.c_oper_identifiers ['A_0', 'A_1'] >>> pulse.n_oper_identifiers ['Z'] >>> omega = np.logspace(-1, 2, 500) >>> F = pulse.get_filter_function(omega) # shape (1, 500) >>> # Plot the resulting filter function: >>> from filter_functions import plotting >>> fig, ax, leg = plotting.plot_filter_function(pulse) Attributes ---------- c_opers: ndarray, shape (n_cops, d, d) Control operators. Note that they are stored sorted by their corresponding identifiers. n_opers: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d, d) Noise operators. Note that they are stored sorted by their corresponding identifiers. c_oper_identifers: sequence of str Identifiers for the control operators of the system. Stored sorted. n_oper_identifers: sequence of str Identifiers for the noise operators of the system. Stored sorted. c_coeffs: ndarray, shape (n_cops, n_dt) Control parameters in units of :math:`\hbar`. Note that they are stored sorted by their corresponding identifiers. n_coeffs: ndarray, shape (n_nops, n_dt) Noise sensitivities in units of :math:`\hbar`. Note that they are stored sorted by their corresponding identifiers. dt: ndarray, shape (n_dt,) Time steps t: ndarray, shape (n_dt + 1,) Absolute times taken to start at :math:`t_0\equiv 0` tau: float Total duration. Equal to t[-1]. d: int Dimension of the Hamiltonian basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The operator basis used for calculation nbytes: int An estimate of the memory consumed by the PulseSequence instance and its attributes If the Hamiltonian was diagonalized, the eigenvalues and -vectors as well as the cumulative propagators are cached: eigvals: ndarray, shape (n_dt, d) Eigenvalues :math:`D^{(g)}` eigvecs: ndarray, shape (n_dt, d, d) Eigenvectors :math:`V^{(g)}` propagators: ndarray, shape (n_dt+1, d, d) Cumulative propagators :math:`Q_g` total_propagator: ndarray, shape (d, d) The total propagator :math:`Q` of the pulse alone. That is, :math:`|\psi(\tau)\rangle = Q|\psi(0)\rangle`. total_propagator_liouville: array_like, shape (d**2, d**2) The transfer matrix for the total propagator of the pulse. Given by ``liouville_representation(pulse.total_propagator, pulse.basis)``. Furthermore, when the filter function is calculated, the frequencies are cached as well as other relevant quantities. Methods ------- cleanup(method='conservative') Delete cached attributes is_cached(attr) Checks if a given attribute of the ``PulseSequence`` is cached diagonalize() Diagonalize the Hamiltonian of the pulse sequence, computing eigenvalues and -vectors as well as cumulative propagators get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar=False) Calculate the control matrix for frequencies omega get_filter_function(omega, which='fidelity', show_progressbar=False) Calculate the filter function for frequencies omega get_pulse_correlation_filter_function(which='fidelity') Get the pulse correlation filter function (only possible if computed during concatenation) propagator_at_arb_t(t) Calculate the propagator at arbitrary times get_filter_function_derivative Calculate the filter function derivative for frequencies omega Notes ----- Due to the heavy use of NumPy's :func:`~numpy.einsum` function, results have a floating point error of ~1e-13. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a PulseSequence instance.""" # Initialize attributes set by _parse_args to None to satisfy static # code checker self.c_opers = None self.n_opers = None self.c_oper_identifiers = None self.n_oper_identifiers = None self.c_coeffs = None self.n_coeffs = None self.dt = None self.d = None self.basis = None # Parse the input arguments and set attributes # TODO: Jesus, this is in need of refactoring. attributes = ('c_opers', 'c_oper_identifiers', 'c_coeffs', 'n_opers', 'n_oper_identifiers', 'n_coeffs', 'dt', 'd', 'basis') if not args: # Bypass args parsing and directly set necessary attributes values = (kwargs[attr] for attr in attributes) else: if len(args) == 4: # basis given as arg, not kwarg kwargs['basis'] = args[-1] elif len(args) < 3: posargs = ['H_c', 'H_n', 'dt'] raise TypeError(f'Missing {3 - len(args)} required positional argument(s): ' + f'{posargs[len(args):]}') values = _parse_args(*args[:3], **kwargs) for attr, value in zip(attributes, values): setattr(self, attr, value) # Initialize attributes that can be set by bound methods to None self._t = None self._tau = None self._omega = None self._eigvals = None self._eigvecs = None self._propagators = None self._total_phases = None self._total_propagator = None self._total_propagator_liouville = None self._control_matrix = None self._control_matrix_pc = None self._filter_function = None self._filter_function_gen = None self._filter_function_pc = None self._filter_function_pc_gen = None self._filter_function_2 = None self._intermediates = dict() def __str__(self): """String method.""" return f'{repr(self)}\n\tof dimension {self.d} and duration {self.duration}' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Equality operator. Returns True if the following attributes of the operands are equivalent: - dt - c_opers - n_opers - c_oper_identifiers - n_oper_identifiers - c_coeffs - n_coeffs - basis """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented A = self B = other atol = np.finfo(complex).eps*A.basis.shape[0] rtol = 1e-10 # Two consecutive segments might be equal for all H_opers. In that case # they should evaluate equal whether they are written as two or one. # Thus, join equal segments to compare. c_coeffs_A, n_coeffs_A, dt_A = _join_equal_segments(A) c_coeffs_B, n_coeffs_B, dt_B = _join_equal_segments(B) if len(dt_A) != len(dt_B): # Sequences not the same length return False if not np.allclose(dt_A, dt_B, rtol, atol): return False # We require a certain reproducible order for the opers and coeffs so # that also after concatenation of different pulses they will be in a # deterministic order for comparison. Sort the hashes of the operators' # bytes array c_idx_A = np.argsort(A.c_oper_identifiers) c_idx_B = np.argsort(B.c_oper_identifiers) n_idx_A = np.argsort(A.n_oper_identifiers) n_idx_B = np.argsort(B.n_oper_identifiers) # opers if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(A.c_opers[c_idx_A], B.c_opers[c_idx_B])): return False if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(A.n_opers[n_idx_A], B.n_opers[n_idx_B])): return False # oper identifiers if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(A.c_oper_identifiers[c_idx_A], B.c_oper_identifiers[c_idx_B])): return False if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(A.n_oper_identifiers[n_idx_A], B.n_oper_identifiers[n_idx_B])): return False # coefficients if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(c_coeffs_A[c_idx_A], c_coeffs_B[c_idx_B])): return False if not all(np.array_equal(AH, BH) for AH, BH in zip(n_coeffs_A[n_idx_A], n_coeffs_B[n_idx_B])): return False if not A.basis == B.basis: return False return True def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.dt) def __getitem__(self, key) -> 'PulseSequence': """Return a slice of the PulseSequence.""" new_dt = np.atleast_1d(self.dt[key]) if not new_dt.size: raise IndexError('Cannot create empty PulseSequence') new = self.__class__( c_opers=self.c_opers, n_opers=self.n_opers, c_oper_identifiers=self.c_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers=self.n_oper_identifiers, c_coeffs=np.atleast_2d(self.c_coeffs.T[key]).T, n_coeffs=np.atleast_2d(self.n_coeffs.T[key]).T, dt=new_dt, d=self.d, basis=self.basis ) return new def __copy__(self) -> 'PulseSequence': """Return shallow copy of self""" cls = self.__class__ copied = cls.__new__(cls) copied.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return copied def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None) -> 'PulseSequence': cls = self.__class__ copied = cls.__new__(cls) copied.__dict__.update({key: copy.deepcopy(val) for key, val in self.__dict__.items()}) return copied def __matmul__(self, other: 'PulseSequence') -> 'PulseSequence': """Concatenation of PulseSequences.""" # Make sure other is a PulseSequence instance (awkward check for type) if not hasattr(other, 'c_opers'): raise TypeError(f'Incompatible type for concatenation: {type(other)}') return concatenate((self, other)) def __imatmul__(self, other: 'PulseSequence') -> 'PulseSequence': raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_cached(self, attr: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the attribute is cached""" # Define some aliases so that this method can be used by humans aliases = { 'eigenvalues': '_eigvals', 'eigenvectors': '_eigvecs', 'total propagator': '_total_propagator', 'total propagator liouville': '_total_propagator_liouville', 'frequencies': '_omega', 'total phases': '_total_phases', 'filter function': '_filter_function', 'fidelity filter function': '_filter_function', 'generalized filter function': '_filter_function_gen', 'pulse correlation filter function': '_filter_function_pc', 'fidelity pulse correlation filter function': '_filter_function_pc', 'generalized pulse correlation filter function': '_filter_function_pc_gen', 'second order filter function': '_filter_function_2', 'control matrix': '_control_matrix', 'pulse correlation control matrix': '_control_matrix_pc' } alias = attr.lower().replace('_', ' ') if alias in aliases: attr = aliases[alias] else: if not attr.startswith('_'): attr = '_' + attr return getattr(self, attr) is not None
@property def t(self) -> ndarray: """The times of the pulse.""" if self._t is None: self._t = np.concatenate(([0], self.dt.cumsum())) return self._t @t.setter def t(self, val: ndarray): """Set the times of the pulse.""" self._t = val @property def tau(self) -> Union[float, int]: """The duration of the pulse.""" if self._t is not None: self._tau = self.t[-1] else: self._tau = self.dt.sum() return self._tau @tau.setter def tau(self, val: Union[float, int]): """Set the total duration of the pulse.""" self._tau = val @property def duration(self) -> float: """The duration of the pulse. Alias of tau.""" return self.tau
[docs] def diagonalize(self) -> None: r"""Diagonalize the Hamiltonian defining the pulse sequence.""" # Only calculate if not done so before if not all(self.is_cached(attr) for attr in ('eigvals', 'eigvecs', 'propagators')): # Control Hamiltonian as a (n_dt, d, d) array hamiltonian = np.einsum('ijk,il->ljk', self.c_opers, self.c_coeffs) self.eigvals, self.eigvecs, self.propagators = numeric.diagonalize(hamiltonian, self.dt) self.total_propagator = self.propagators[-1]
[docs] def get_control_matrix(self, omega: Coefficients, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False) -> ndarray: r""" Get the control matrix for the frequencies *omega*. If it has been cached for the same frequencies, the cached version is returned, otherwise it is calculated from scratch. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies at which to evaluate the control matrix. show_progressbar: bool Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep intermediate terms of the calculation that are also required by other computations. Returns ------- control_matrix: ndarray, shape (n_nops, d**2, n_omega) The control matrix for the noise operators. """ # Only calculate if not calculated before for the same frequencies if np.array_equal(, omega): if self.is_cached('control_matrix'): return self._control_matrix else: if self.is_cached('control_matrix_pc'): self._control_matrix = self._control_matrix_pc.sum(axis=0) return self._control_matrix else: # Getting with different frequencies. Remove all cached attributes # that are frequency-dependent self.cleanup('frequency dependent') # Make sure the Hamiltonian has been diagonalized self.diagonalize() control_matrix = numeric.calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch( self.eigvals, self.eigvecs, self.propagators, omega, self.basis, self.n_opers, self.n_coeffs, self.dt, self.t, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=cache_intermediates ) if cache_intermediates: control_matrix, intermediates = control_matrix self._intermediates.update(**intermediates) self.cache_control_matrix(omega, control_matrix) return self._control_matrix
[docs] def cache_control_matrix(self, omega: Coefficients, control_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False) -> None: r""" Cache the control matrix and the frequencies it was calculated for. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies for which to cache the filter function. control_matrix: array_like, shape ([n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, n_omega), optional The control matrix for the frequencies *omega*. If ``None``, it is computed. show_progressbar: bool Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep intermediate terms of the calculation that are also required by other computations. Only applies if control_matrix is not supplied. """ if control_matrix is None: control_matrix = self.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates) = omega if control_matrix.ndim == 4: # Pulse correlation control matrix self._control_matrix_pc = control_matrix else: self._control_matrix = control_matrix # Cache total phase and total transfer matrices as well self.cache_total_phases(omega) if not self.is_cached('total_propagator_liouville'): self.total_propagator_liouville = liouville_representation(self.total_propagator, self.basis)
[docs] def get_pulse_correlation_control_matrix(self) -> ndarray: """Get the pulse correlation control matrix if it was cached.""" if self.is_cached('control_matrix_pc'): return self._control_matrix_pc raise util.CalculationError( "Could not get the pulse correlation control matrix since it " + "was not computed during concatenation. Please run the " + "concatenation again with 'calc_pulse_correlation_FF' set to " + "True." )
[docs] @util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized'), order=(1, 2)) def get_filter_function( self, omega: Coefficients, which: str = 'fidelity', order: int = 1, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False ) -> ndarray: r"""Get the first or second order filter function. The filter function is cached so it doesn't need to be calculated twice for the same frequencies. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies at which to evaluate the filter function. which: str, optional Which filter function to return. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized' (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`). Only if ``order == 1``. order: int, optional First or second order filter function. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep intermediate terms of the calculation that are also required by other computations. Returns ------- filter_function: ndarray, shape (n_nops, n_nops, [d**2, d**2,] n_omega) The filter function for each combination of noise operators as a function of omega. .. _notes Notes ----- The first-order generalized filter function is given by .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta,kl}(\omega) = \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\alpha k}^\ast(\omega) \tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\beta l}(\omega), where :math:`\alpha,\beta` are indices counting the noise operators :math:`B_\alpha` and :math:`k,l` indices counting the basis elements :math:`C_k`. The fidelity filter function is obtained by tracing over the basis indices: .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta}(\omega) = \sum_{k} F_{\alpha\beta,kk}(\omega). """ # Only calculate if not calculated before for the same frequencies if np.array_equal(, omega): if order == 1: if which == 'fidelity': if self.is_cached('filter function'): return self._filter_function else: # which == 'generalized' if self.is_cached('filter_function_gen'): return self._filter_function_gen else: # order == 2 if self.is_cached('filter_function_2'): return self._filter_function_2 else: # Getting with different frequencies. Remove all cached attributes # that are frequency-dependent self.cleanup('frequency dependent') if order == 1: control_matrix = self.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates) else: # order == 2 control_matrix = None self.cache_filter_function(omega, control_matrix=control_matrix, which=which, order=order, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=cache_intermediates) if order == 1: if which == 'fidelity': return self._filter_function else: # which == 'generalized' return self._filter_function_gen else: # order == 2 return self._filter_function_2
[docs] @util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized'), order=(1, 2)) def cache_filter_function( self, omega: Coefficients, control_matrix: Optional[ndarray] = None, filter_function: Optional[ndarray] = None, which: str = 'fidelity', order: int = 1, show_progressbar: bool = False, cache_intermediates: bool = False ) -> None: r""" Cache the filter function. If control_matrix.ndim == 4, it is taken to be the 'pulse correlation control matrix' and summed along the first axis. In that case, also the pulse correlation filter function is calculated and cached. Total phase factors and transfer matrices of the the cumulative propagator are also cached so they can be reused during concatenation. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies for which to cache the filter function. control_matrix: array_like, shape ([n_nops,] n_nops, d**2, n_omega), optional The control matrix for the frequencies *omega*. If ``None``, it is computed and the filter function derived from it. filter_function: array_like, shape (n_nops, n_nops, [d**2, d**2,] n_omega), optional The filter function for the frequencies *omega*. If ``None``, it is computed from R in the case ``order == 1`` and from scratch else. which: str, optional Which filter function to cache. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized'. order: int, optional First or second order filter function. show_progressbar: bool, optional Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. cache_intermediates: bool, optional Keep intermediate terms of the calculation that are also required by other computations. See Also -------- PulseSequence.get_filter_function : Getter method """ if filter_function is None: if order == 1: if control_matrix is None: control_matrix = self.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar, cache_intermediates) self.cache_control_matrix(omega, control_matrix) if control_matrix.ndim == 4: # Calculate pulse correlation FF and derive canonical FF # from it F_pc = numeric.calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function(control_matrix, which) if which == 'fidelity': self._filter_function_pc = F_pc else: # which == 'generalized' self._filter_function_pc = F_pc.trace(axis1=4, axis2=5) self._filter_function_pc_gen = F_pc filter_function = F_pc.sum(axis=(0, 1)) else: # Regular case filter_function = numeric.calculate_filter_function(control_matrix, which) else: # order == 2 filter_function = numeric.calculate_second_order_filter_function( self.eigvals, self.eigvecs, self.propagators, omega, self.basis, self.n_opers, self.n_coeffs, self.dt, self._intermediates, show_progressbar ) = omega if order == 1: if which == 'fidelity': self._filter_function = filter_function else: # which == 'generalized' self._filter_function = filter_function.trace(axis1=2, axis2=3) self._filter_function_gen = filter_function else: # order == 2 self._filter_function_2 = filter_function
[docs] @util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized')) def get_pulse_correlation_filter_function(self, which: str = 'fidelity') -> ndarray: r""" Get the pulse correlation filter function given by .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta}^{(gg')}(\omega) = e^{i\omega(t_{g-1} - t_{g'-1})} \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g)}(\omega)\mathcal{Q}^{(g-1)} \mathcal{Q}^{(g'-1)\dagger} \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(g')\dagger}(\omega), where :math:`g,g'` index the pulse in the sequence and :math:`\alpha,\beta` index the noise operators, if it was computed during concatenation. Since the calculation requires the individual pulse's control matrices and phase factors, which are not retained after concatenation, the pulse correlation filter function cannot be computed afterwards. Note that the frequencies for which the filter function was calculated are not stored. Returns ------- filter_function_pc: ndarray, shape (n_pls, n_pls, n_nops, n_nops, n_omega) The pulse correlation filter function for each noise operator as a function of omega. The first two axes correspond to the pulses in the sequence, i.e. if the concatenated pulse sequence is :math:`C\circ B\circ A`, the first two axes are arranged like .. math:: F_{\alpha\beta}^{(gg')} &= \begin{pmatrix} F_{\alpha\beta}^{(AA)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(AB)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(AC)} \\ F_{\alpha\beta}^{(BA)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(BB)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(BC)} \\ F_{\alpha\beta}^{(CA)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(CB)} & F_{\alpha\beta}^{(CC)} \end{pmatrix} for :math:`g,g'\in\{A, B, C\}`. """ if which == 'fidelity': if self.is_cached('filter_function_pc'): return self._filter_function_pc else: # which == 'generalized' if self.is_cached('filter_function_pc_gen'): return self._filter_function_pc_gen if self.is_cached('control_matrix_pc'): F_pc = numeric.calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function(self._control_matrix_pc, which=which) if which == 'fidelity': self._filter_function_pc = F_pc else: # which == 'generalized' self._filter_function_pc_gen = F_pc return F_pc raise util.CalculationError( "Could not get the pulse correlation filter function since it " + "was not computed during concatenation. Please run the " + "concatenation again with 'calc_pulse_correlation_FF' set to True." )
[docs] def get_filter_function_derivative( self, omega: Coefficients, control_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, n_oper_identifiers: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, n_coeffs_deriv: Optional[Sequence[Coefficients]] = None ) -> ndarray: r"""Calculate the pulse sequence's filter function derivative. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) Frequencies at which the pulse control matrix is to be evaluated. control_identifiers: Sequence[str], shape (n_ctrl,) Sequence of strings with the control identifiers to distinguish between control and drift Hamiltonian. The default is None, in which case the derivative is computed for all known non-noise operators. n_oper_identifiers: Sequence[str], shape (n_nops,) Sequence of strings with the noise identifiers for which to compute the derivative contribution. The default is None, in which case it is computed for all known noise operators. n_coeffs_deriv: array_like, shape (n_nops, n_ctrl, n_dt) The derivatives of the noise susceptibilities by the control amplitudes. The rows and columns should be in the same order as the corresponding identifiers above. Defaults to None, in which case the coefficients are assumed to be constant and hence their derivative vanishing. .. warning:: Internally, control and noise terms of the Hamiltonian are stored alphanumerically sorted by their identifiers. If the noise and/or control identifiers above are not explicitly given, the rows and/or columns of this parameter need to be sorted in the same fashion. Returns ------- filter_function_deriv: ndarray, shape (n_nops, n_t, n_ctrl, n_omega) The regular filter functions' derivatives for variation in each control contribution. Sorted in the same fashion as `n_coeffs_deriv` or, if not given, alphanumerically by the identifiers. """ c_idx = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(self.c_oper_identifiers, control_identifiers) n_idx = util.get_indices_from_identifiers(self.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers) if n_coeffs_deriv is not None: # TODO 05/22: walrus once support for 3.7 is dropped. actual_shape = np.shape(n_coeffs_deriv) required_shape = (len(n_idx), len(c_idx), len(self)) if actual_shape != required_shape: raise ValueError(f'Expected n_coeffs_deriv to be of shape {required_shape}, ' f'not {actual_shape}. Did you forget to specify identifiers?') else: # Do nothing; n_coeffs_deriv specifies the sorting order. If identifiers # are given, we sort everything else by them. If not, n_coeffs_deriv is # expected to be sorted in accordance with the opers and coeffs. pass # Check if we can pass on intermediates. intermediates = dict() # TODO 05/22: walrus once support for 3.7 is dropped. n_opers_transformed = self._intermediates.get('n_opers_transformed') first_order_integral = self._intermediates.get('first_order_integral') if n_opers_transformed is not None: intermediates['n_opers_transformed'] = n_opers_transformed[n_idx] if first_order_integral is not None: intermediates['first_order_integral'] = first_order_integral control_matrix = self.get_control_matrix(omega, cache_intermediates=True)[n_idx] control_matrix_deriv = gradient.calculate_derivative_of_control_matrix_from_scratch( omega, self.propagators, self.eigvals, self.eigvecs, self.basis, self.t, self.dt, self.n_opers[n_idx], self.n_coeffs[n_idx], self.c_opers[c_idx], n_coeffs_deriv, intermediates ) return gradient.calculate_filter_function_derivative(control_matrix, control_matrix_deriv)
[docs] def get_total_phases(self, omega: Coefficients) -> ndarray: """Get the (cached) total phase factors for this pulse and omega.""" # Only calculate if not calculated before for the same frequencies if np.array_equal(, omega): if self.is_cached('total_phases'): return self._total_phases else: # Getting with different frequencies. Remove all cached attributes # that are frequency-dependent self.cleanup('frequency dependent') self.cache_total_phases(omega) return self._total_phases
[docs] def cache_total_phases(self, omega: Coefficients, total_phases: Optional[ndarray] = None) -> None: """ Cache the total phase factors for this pulse and omega. Parameters ---------- omega: array_like, shape (n_omega,) The frequencies for which to cache the phase factors. total_phases: array_like, shape (n_omega,), optional The total phase factors for the frequencies *omega*. If ``None``, they are computed. """ if total_phases is None: total_phases = util.cexp(np.asarray(omega)*self.tau) = omega self._total_phases = total_phases
@property def eigvals(self) -> ndarray: """Get the eigenvalues of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" if not self.is_cached('eigvals'): self.diagonalize() return self._eigvals @eigvals.setter def eigvals(self, value) -> None: """Set the eigenvalues of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" self._eigvals = value @property def eigvecs(self) -> ndarray: """Get the eigenvectors of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" if not self.is_cached('eigvecs'): self.diagonalize() return self._eigvecs @eigvecs.setter def eigvecs(self, value) -> None: """Set the eigenvalues of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" self._eigvecs = value @property def propagators(self) -> ndarray: """Get the eigenvectors of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" if not self.is_cached('propagators'): self.diagonalize() return self._propagators @propagators.setter def propagators(self, value) -> None: """Set the eigenvalues of the pulse's Hamiltonian.""" self._propagators = value @property def total_propagator(self) -> ndarray: """Get total propagator of the pulse.""" if not self.is_cached('total_propagator'): self.diagonalize() return self._total_propagator @total_propagator.setter def total_propagator(self, value: ndarray) -> None: """Set total propagator of the pulse.""" self._total_propagator = value @property def total_propagator_liouville(self) -> ndarray: """Get the transfer matrix for the total propagator of the pulse.""" if not self.is_cached('total_propagator_liouville'): self._total_propagator_liouville = liouville_representation(self.total_propagator, self.basis) return self._total_propagator_liouville @total_propagator_liouville.setter def total_propagator_liouville(self, value: ndarray) -> None: """Set the transfer matrix of the total cumulative propagator.""" self._total_propagator_liouville = value @property def omega(self) -> ndarray: """Cached frequencies""" return self._omega @omega.setter def omega(self, value: Coefficients) -> None: """Cache frequencies""" self._omega = np.asarray(value) if value is not None else value @property def nbytes(self) -> int: """ Return an estimate of the amount of memory consumed by this object (or, more precisely, the array attributes of this object). """ _nbytes = [] for val in self.__dict__.values(): try: _nbytes.append(val.nbytes) except AttributeError: pass return sum(_nbytes)
[docs] @util.parse_optional_parameters(method=('conservative', 'greedy', 'frequency dependent', 'all')) def cleanup(self, method: str = 'conservative') -> None: """ Delete cached byproducts of the calculation of the filter function that are not necessarily needed anymore in order to free up memory. Parameters ---------- method: optional If set to 'conservative' (the default), only the following attributes are deleted: - _eigvals - _eigvecs - _propagators If set to 'greedy', all of the above as well as the following attributes are deleted: - _total_propagator - _total_propagator_liouville - _total_phases - _control_matrix - _control_matrix_pc If set to 'all', all of the above as well as the following attributes are deleted: - omega - _filter_function - _filter_function_gen - _filter_function_pc - _filter_function_pc_gen - _filter_function_2 - _intermediates['control_matrix_step'] If set to 'frequency dependent' only attributes that are functions of frequency are initalized to ``None``. Note that if this ``PulseSequence`` is concatenated with another one, some of the attributes might need to be calculated again, resulting in slower execution of the concatenation. """ default_attrs = {'_eigvals', '_eigvecs', '_propagators'} concatenation_attrs = {'_total_propagator', '_total_phases', '_total_propagator_liouville', '_control_matrix', '_control_matrix_pc', '_intermediates'} filter_function_attrs = {'_filter_function', '_filter_function_2', '_filter_function_gen', '_filter_function_pc', '_filter_function_pc_gen', 'omega'} if method == 'conservative': attrs = default_attrs elif method == 'greedy': attrs = default_attrs.union(concatenation_attrs) elif method == 'frequency dependent': attrs = filter_function_attrs.union({'_control_matrix', '_control_matrix_pc', '_total_phases'}) # Remove frequency dependent terms from intermediates self._intermediates.pop('control_matrix_step', None) self._intermediates.pop('phase_factors', None) self._intermediates.pop('first_order_integral', None) else: # method == all attrs = filter_function_attrs.union(default_attrs, concatenation_attrs) for attr in attrs: if attr != '_intermediates': setattr(self, attr, None) else: setattr(self, attr, dict())
[docs] def propagator_at_arb_t(self, t: Coefficients) -> ndarray: """ Calculate the cumulative propagator Q(t) at times *t* by making use of the fact that we assume piecewise-constant control. """ # Index of the popagator Q(t_{l-1}) that evolves the state up to # the l-1-st step. Since control is piecewise constant, all we have to # do to get the state at an arbitrary time t_{l-1} <= t < t_l is # propagate with a time-delta t - t_{l-1} and H_{l} self.diagonalize() idx = np.searchsorted(self.t, t) - 1 # Manually set possible negative idx's to zero (happens for t = 0) idx[idx < 0] = 0 Q_prev = self.propagators[idx] U_curr = np.einsum('lij,jl,lkj->lik', self.eigvecs[idx], util.cexp((self.t[idx] - t)*self.eigvals[idx].T), self.eigvecs[idx].conj()) return U_curr @ Q_prev
def _join_equal_segments(pulse: PulseSequence) -> Sequence[Coefficients]: """Join potentially equal consecutive segments of *pulse*'s Hamiltonian.""" equal_ind = (np.diff(pulse.c_coeffs) == 0).all(axis=0).nonzero()[0] if equal_ind.size > 0: c_coeffs = np.delete(pulse.c_coeffs, equal_ind, axis=1) n_coeffs = np.delete(pulse.n_coeffs, equal_ind, axis=1) dt = np.delete(pulse.dt, equal_ind) for old, new in zip(equal_ind, equal_ind - np.arange(len(equal_ind))): dt[new] += pulse.dt[old] else: c_coeffs = pulse.c_coeffs n_coeffs = pulse.n_coeffs dt = pulse.dt return c_coeffs, n_coeffs, dt def _parse_args(H_c: Hamiltonian, H_n: Hamiltonian, dt: Coefficients, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Function to parse the arguments given at instantiation of the PulseSequence object. """ if not hasattr(dt, '__len__'): raise TypeError(f'Expected a sequence of time steps, not {type(dt)}') dt = np.asarray(dt) # Check the time argument for data type and monotonicity (should be increasing) if not np.isreal(dt).all(): raise ValueError('Times dt are not (all) real!') if (dt < 0).any(): raise ValueError('Time steps are not (all) positive!') control_args = _parse_Hamiltonian(H_c, len(dt), 'H_c') noise_args = _parse_Hamiltonian(H_n, len(dt), 'H_n') if control_args[0].shape[-2:] != noise_args[0].shape[-2:]: # Check operator shapes raise ValueError('Control and noise Hamiltonian not same dimension!') # Dimension of the system d = control_args[0].shape[-1] basis = kwargs.pop('basis', None) if basis is None: # Use generalized Gell-Mann basis by default since we have a nice # expression for a basis expansion basis = Basis.ggm(d) else: if not hasattr(basis, 'btype'): raise ValueError("Expected basis to be an instance of the " + f"'filter_functions.basis.Basis' class, not {type(basis)}!") if basis.shape[1:] != (d, d): # Make sure the basis has the correct dimension (we allow an # incomplete set) raise ValueError("Expected basis elements to be of shape " + f"({d}, {d}), not {basis.shape[1:]}!") return (*control_args, *noise_args, dt, d, basis) def _parse_Hamiltonian(H: Hamiltonian, n_dt: int, H_str: str) -> Tuple[Sequence[Operator], Sequence[str], Sequence[Coefficients]]: """Helper function to parse the Hamiltonian in QuTiP format.""" # Check correct types of the various levels of nestedness if not isinstance(H, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f'Expected {H_str} to be a list of lists, not of type {type(H)}!') if not all(isinstance(item, (list, tuple)) for item in H): raise TypeError(f'Expected {H_str} to be a list of lists but found at least one item ' + 'of H not of type list or tuple!') # Unzip the nested lists into operators and coefficient arrays. Since # identifiers are optional, we need to perform a check if they were given. opers, *args = zip_longest(*H, fillvalue=None) if len(args) == 1: coeffs = args[0] identifiers = None else: coeffs = args[0] identifiers = list(args[1]) # Parse opers and convert to ndarray parsed_opers = util.parse_operators(opers, H_str) if not all(hasattr(coeff, '__len__') for coeff in coeffs): raise TypeError(f'Expected coefficients in {H_str} to be a sequence') # parse the identifiers if identifiers is None: if H_str == 'H_c': identifiers = np.fromiter((f'A_{i}' for i in range(len(opers))), dtype='<U4') else: # H_str == 'H_n' identifiers = np.fromiter((f'B_{i}' for i in range(len(opers))), dtype='<U4') else: for i, identifier in enumerate(identifiers): if identifier is None: if H_str == 'H_c': identifiers[i] = f'A_{i}' else: # H_str == 'H_n' identifiers[i] = f'B_{i}' if len(set(identifiers)) != len(identifiers): raise ValueError(f'{H_str} identifiers should be unique') identifiers = np.asarray(identifiers) # Check coeffs are all the same length as dt if not all(len(coeff) == n_dt for coeff in coeffs): raise ValueError(f'Expected all coefficients in {H_str} to be of len(dt) = {n_dt}!') coeffs = np.asarray(coeffs) idx = np.argsort(identifiers) return parsed_opers[idx], identifiers[idx], coeffs[idx] def _concatenate_Hamiltonian( opers: Sequence[Sequence[Operator]], identifiers: Sequence[Sequence[str]], coeffs: Sequence[Sequence[Coefficients]], kind: str ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Operator], Sequence[str], Sequence[Coefficients], Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]]: """ Concatenate Hamiltonians. Returns lists of opers, identifiers, and coeffs so that ``list(zip(opers, coeffs, identifiers))`` is in the format required by ``PulseSequence``. If two operators have the same identifier but are actually different, the clash is removed by adding the position of the pulse in the sequence as a subscript to each identifier. Parameters ---------- opers: array_like The operators, should be of structure:: ((A_oper_1, A_oper_2, ...), (B_oper_1, ...), (...), ...) for Hamiltonians *A*, *B*, ... identifiers: array_like The identifiers, should be of same structure as opers. coeffs: array_like The coefficients, should be of same structure as opers. kind: str The type of Hamiltonian, either 'control' or 'noise'. Returns ------- concat_opers: ndarray, shape (n_opers, d, d) The operators of the concatenated Hamiltonian. concat_identifiers: ndarray, shape (n_opers,) The identifiers of the concatenated Hamiltonian. concat_coeffs: ndarray, shape (n_opers, n_dt) The coefficients of the concatenated Hamiltonian. pulse_identifier_mapping: Dict[int, Dict[str, str]] Dictionary that maps the operator identifiers of the original pulses to those of the new pulse. """ # Number of time steps in each pulse n_dt = [0] + [coeff.shape[1] for coeff in coeffs] # Number of operators in each subset of opers, i.e. number of operators for # each pulse being concatenated n_ops = [len(op) for op in opers] # Indices where operators of another pulse follow in flatten list of opers. # I.e, for opers = ((O1, O2), (O3, O4, O5)), pulse_idx == (2, 5). pulse_idx = list(accumulate(n_ops)) # Indices similar to pulse_idx, except for the coefficients. I.e., for # coeffs = (([1,2,3], [1,2,3]), ([1,2,3,4,5])), seg_idx == (3,8) so that # we know where in the new coefficient array to place coeffs belonging to # a pulse seg_idx = list(accumulate(n_dt)) # Check if we have any clashes between operators and identifiers and # if so, handle them all_opers = np.concatenate(opers, axis=0) all_identifiers = np.concatenate(identifiers) hashed_identifiers = [hash(i) for i in all_identifiers] hashed_opers = util.hash_array_along_axis(all_opers, axis=0) concat_hashed_opers, concat_idx, inverse_idx = np.unique(hashed_opers, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) # Convert to list so we can use .index() concat_hashed_opers = concat_hashed_opers.tolist() # Convert to list so we can modify the string concat_identifiers = all_identifiers[concat_idx].tolist() # Hash tables in both directions oper_to_identifier_mapping = {} identifier_to_oper_mapping = {} for oper, identifier in zip(hashed_opers, hashed_identifiers): op_to_id = oper_to_identifier_mapping.setdefault(oper, set()) op_to_id.add(identifier) id_to_op = identifier_to_oper_mapping.setdefault(identifier, set()) id_to_op.add(oper) if any(len(value) > 1 for value in oper_to_identifier_mapping.values()): # Clash: two different identifiers are assigned to the same operator raise ValueError(f'Trying to concatenate pulses with equal {kind} operators but ' + f'different identifiers. Please choose unique {kind} identifiers!') # A dict that maps the identifiers of each Hamiltonian to the identifiers # in the new Hamiltonian pulse_identifier_mapping = {p: {identifier: identifier for identifier in identifiers[p]} for p in range(len(pulse_idx))} for identifier, oper in identifier_to_oper_mapping.items(): identifier_str = all_identifiers[hashed_identifiers.index(identifier)] if len(oper) > 1: # Clash: two different operators are assigned to the same # identifier. Add pulse position suffix to identifiers to make them # unique pulse_pos = [bisect.bisect(pulse_idx, hashed_opers.index(op)) for op in oper] identifier_pos = [concat_hashed_opers.index(op) for op in oper] for i, p in zip(identifier_pos, pulse_pos): concat_identifiers[i] = concat_identifiers[i] + f'_{p}' pulse_identifier_mapping[p].update({identifier_str: concat_identifiers[i]}) # Sort everything by the identifiers sort_idx = np.argsort(concat_identifiers) concat_opers = all_opers[concat_idx[sort_idx]] concat_identifiers = np.array([concat_identifiers[i] for i in sort_idx]) # Concatenate the coefficients. Place them in the right time segments of # the concatenated Hamiltonian. concat_coeffs = np.full((len(concat_identifiers), sum(n_dt)), fill_value=np.nan) flat_coeffs = [co for coeff in coeffs for co in coeff] for i in range(len(concat_identifiers)): # Get the indices in opers (and coeffs) for the i-th unique operator indices = (inverse_idx == i).nonzero()[0] for ind in indices: # For each equal operator, place the corresponding coefficients at # the right place in the new coefficient array. This way they are # already sorted by identifiers seg = bisect.bisect(pulse_idx, ind) concat_coeffs[i, seg_idx[seg]:seg_idx[seg+1]] = flat_coeffs[ind] if kind == 'noise': # Noise Hamiltonian. If not all operators are present on all pulses, # we will try to infer the noise sensitivities (== coefficients) from # the remaining segments as usually the sensitivity is constant. If we # cannot do this, we have to raise an exception since we cannot know # the sensitivities at other moments in time if they are non-trivial. nan_mask = np.isnan(concat_coeffs) test = nan_mask.any(axis=1) for i, (concat_coeff, mask) in enumerate(zip(concat_coeffs[test], nan_mask[test])): nonnan_coeff = concat_coeff[~mask] if (nonnan_coeff == nonnan_coeff[0]).all(): # Constant value, use for empty segment concat_coeffs[i, mask] = nonnan_coeff[0] else: raise ValueError('Not all pulses have the same noise operators and ' + 'non-trivial noise sensitivities so I cannot infer them.') else: concat_coeffs[np.isnan(concat_coeffs)] = 0 return concat_opers, concat_identifiers, concat_coeffs[sort_idx], pulse_identifier_mapping def _merge_attrs(old_attrs: List[ndarray], new_attrs: List[ndarray], d_per_qubit: int, registers: List[int], qubits: List[int]) -> Tuple[ndarray, List[int]]: """ For each array in new_attrs, merge into the tensor product array defined on the qubit registers in old_attrs at qubits. """ if registers is None: return new_attrs, qubits.copy() # Get the correct position where the array should be inserted pos = [bisect.bisect(registers, q) for q in qubits] attrs = [] for old_attr, new_attr in zip(old_attrs, new_attrs): attrs.append(util.tensor_merge(old_attr, new_attr, pos=pos, arr_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(registers)]*2, ins_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(pos)]*2)) # Update the registers for q in qubits: bisect.insort(registers, q) return attrs, registers def _insert_attrs(old_attrs: List[ndarray], new_attrs: List[ndarray], d_per_qubit: int, registers: List[int], qubit: int) -> Tuple[ndarray, List[int]]: """ For each array in new_attrs, insert into the tensor product array defined on the qubit registers in old_attrs at qubit. """ if registers is None: return new_attrs, [qubit] # Get the correct position where the array should be inserted pos = bisect.bisect(registers, qubit) attrs = [] for old_attr, new_attr in zip(old_attrs, new_attrs): attrs.append(util.tensor_insert(old_attr, new_attr, pos=pos, arr_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(registers)]*2)) # Update the registers bisect.insort(registers, qubit) return attrs, registers def _map_identifiers(identifiers: Sequence[str], mapping: Union[None, Mapping[str, str]]) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Return identifiers remapped according to mapping. If mapping is None, the identifiers are mapped to themselves. Parameters ---------- identifiers: sequence of str The identifiers to remap. mapping: dict_like The mapping according to which to remap. Returns ------- identifiers: ndarray The identifiers. sort_idx: ndarray The indices which sort the identifiers. """ # Remap identifiers if mapping is None: remapped_identifiers = identifiers sort_idx = np.arange(len(identifiers)) else: remapped_identifiers = np.array([mapping[identifier] for identifier in identifiers]) sort_idx = np.argsort(remapped_identifiers) return remapped_identifiers, sort_idx def _default_extend_mapping( identifiers: Sequence[str], mapping: Union[None, Mapping[str, str]], qubits: Union[Sequence[int], int] ) -> Tuple[Sequence[str], Dict[str, str]]: """ Get a default identifier mapping for a pulse that was extended to *qubits* if *mapping* is None, else return mapping. Parameters ---------- identifiers: Sequence[str] The identifiers to remap. qubits: Union[Sequence[int], int] The qubits the pulse was mapped to. Returns ------- identifiers: ndarray The identifiers. mapping: ndarray The default mapping. """ if mapping is not None: return identifiers, mapping try: mapping = {q: q + '_' + ('{}'*len(qubits)).format(*qubits) for q in identifiers} except TypeError: mapping = {q: q + '_{}'.format(qubits) for q in identifiers} return identifiers, mapping def concatenate_without_filter_function(pulses: Iterable[PulseSequence], return_identifier_mappings: bool = False) -> Any: """ Concatenate PulseSequences, disregarding the filter function. Parameters ---------- pulses: iterable of PulseSequences The PulseSequence instances to be concatenated. return_identifier_mappings: bool, optional Return dictionaries which map the identifiers of control and noise operators of the input pulses to those of the new pulse. This mapping is only non-trivial if any of the pulses have two different operators assigned to the same identifier. Returns ------- newpulse: PulseSequence The concatenated PulseSequence c_oper_identifier_mapping: Dict[int: Dict[str, str]] A dictionary that maps the control operator identifiers of the original pulses to those of the new pulse. n_oper_identifier_mapping: Dict[int: Dict[str, str]] A dictionary that maps the noise operator identifiers of the original pulses to those of the new pulse. See Also -------- concatenate: Concatenate PulseSequences including filter functions. concatenate_periodic: Concatenate PulseSequences periodically. """ try: pulses = tuple(pulses) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f'Expected pulses to be iterable, not {type(pulses)}') if not all(hasattr(pls, 'c_opers') for pls in pulses): # Do awkward checking for type raise TypeError('Can only concatenate PulseSequences!') # Check if the Hamiltonians' shapes are compatible, ie the set of all # shapes has length 1 if len(set(pulse.c_opers.shape[1:] for pulse in pulses)) != 1: raise ValueError('Trying to concatenate two PulseSequence ' + 'instances with incompatible Hamiltonian shapes') # Check if the bases are the same by hashing them and creating a set if not util.all_array_equal((pulse.basis for pulse in pulses)): raise ValueError('Trying to concatenate two PulseSequence instances with different bases!') basis = pulses[0].basis control_keys = ('c_opers', 'c_oper_identifiers', 'c_coeffs') noise_keys = ('n_opers', 'n_oper_identifiers', 'n_coeffs') # Compose new control Hamiltonian control_values = _concatenate_Hamiltonian( *zip(*[[getattr(pulse, key) for key in control_keys] for pulse in pulses]), kind='control' ) # Compose new control Hamiltonian noise_values = _concatenate_Hamiltonian( *zip(*[[getattr(pulse, key) for key in noise_keys] for pulse in pulses]), kind='noise' ) dt = np.concatenate(tuple(pulse.dt for pulse in pulses)) attributes = {'dt': dt, 'd': pulses[0].d, 'basis': basis} attributes.update(**{key: value for key, value in zip(control_keys, control_values)}) attributes.update(**{key: value for key, value in zip(noise_keys, noise_values)}) newpulse = PulseSequence(**attributes) # Only cache total duration (whole array of times might be large # in case of concatenation) newpulse.tau = sum(pulse.tau for pulse in pulses) if return_identifier_mappings: return newpulse, control_values[-1], noise_values[-1] return newpulse
[docs]@util.parse_optional_parameters(which=('fidelity', 'generalized')) def concatenate( pulses: Iterable[PulseSequence], calc_pulse_correlation_FF: bool = False, calc_filter_function: Optional[bool] = None, which: str = 'fidelity', omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False ) -> PulseSequence: r""" Concatenate an arbitrary number of pulses. Note that pulses are concatenated left-to-right, that is, .. math:: \mathtt{concatenate((A, B))} \equiv B \circ A so that :math:`A` is executed before :math:`B` when applying the concatenated pulse. Parameters ---------- pulses: sequence of PulseSequences The PulseSequence instances to be concatenated. If any of the instances have a cached filter function, the filter function for the composite pulse will also be calculated in order to make use of the speedup gained from concatenating the filter functions. If *omega* is given, calculation of the composite filter function is forced. calc_pulse_correlation_FF: bool, optional Switch to control whether the pulse correlation filter function (see :meth:`PulseSequence.get_pulse_correlation_filter_function`) is calculated. If *omega* is not given, the cached frequencies of all *pulses* need to be equal. calc_filter_function: bool, optional Switch to force the calculation of the filter function to be carried out or not. Overrides the automatic behavior of calculating it if at least one pulse has a cached control matrix. If ``True`` and no pulse has a cached control matrix, a list of frequencies must be supplied as *omega*. which: str, optional Which filter function to compute. Either 'fidelity' (default) or 'generalized' (see :meth:`PulseSequence.get_filter_function` and :meth:`PulseSequence.get_pulse_correlation_filter_function`). omega: array_like, optional Frequencies at which to evaluate the (pulse correlation) filter functions. If ``None``, an attempt is made to use cached frequencies. show_progressbar: bool Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. Returns ------- pulse: PulseSequence The concatenated pulse. """ pulses = tuple(pulses) if len(pulses) == 1: return copy.deepcopy(pulses[0]) newpulse, _, n_oper_mapping = concatenate_without_filter_function( pulses, return_identifier_mappings=True ) if all(pls.is_cached('total_propagator') for pls in pulses): newpulse.total_propagator = util.mdot([pls.total_propagator for pls in pulses][::-1]) if calc_filter_function is False and not calc_pulse_correlation_FF: return newpulse # If the pulses have different noise operators, we cannot reuse cached # filter functions. Since some noise operator identifiers might have been # remapped, we use the mapping dictionary returned by # concatenate_without_filter_function pulse_identifiers = [] for _, mapping in sorted(n_oper_mapping.items()): pulse_identifiers.append([i for i in sorted(mapping.values())]) unique_identifiers = sorted(set(h for i in pulse_identifiers for h in i)) # matrix with pulses in rows and all noise operator identifier hashes in # columns. True if the noise operator is present in the pulse, False if # not. This will give us a boolean mask for indexing the pulses attributes # when retriving the filter functions. n_opers_present = np.zeros((len(pulses), len(unique_identifiers)), dtype=bool) for i, pulse_identifier in enumerate(pulse_identifiers): for j, identifier in enumerate(unique_identifiers): if identifier in pulse_identifier: n_opers_present[i, j] = True # If at least two pulses have the same noise operators, we gain an # advantage when concatenating the filter functions over calculating them # from scratch at a later point equal_n_opers = (n_opers_present.sum(axis=0) > 1).any() if omega is None: cached_ctrl_mat = [pls.is_cached('control_matrix') for pls in pulses] if any(cached_ctrl_mat): equal_omega = util.all_array_equal(( for pls in compress(pulses, cached_ctrl_mat))) else: cached_omega = [pls.is_cached('omega') for pls in pulses] equal_omega = util.all_array_equal(( for pls in compress(pulses, cached_omega))) if not equal_omega: if calc_filter_function: raise ValueError("Calculation of filter function forced but not all pulses " + "have the same frequencies cached and none were supplied!") if calc_pulse_correlation_FF: raise ValueError("Cannot compute the pulse correlation filter functions; do not " + "have the frequencies at which to evaluate.") return newpulse if calc_filter_function is None: # compute filter function only if at least one pulse has a control # matrix cached if not equal_n_opers or not any(cached_ctrl_mat): return newpulse # Can reuse cached filter functions or calculation explicitly asked # for; run calculation. Get the index of the first pulse with cached FF # to steal some attributes from. if any(cached_ctrl_mat): ind = np.nonzero(cached_ctrl_mat)[0][0] else: ind = np.nonzero(cached_omega)[0][0] omega = pulses[ind].omega if not equal_n_opers: # Cannot reuse atomic filter functions newpulse.cache_filter_function(omega, which=which) return newpulse # Get the phase factors at the correct times (the individual gate # durations) which are just the total phase factors of the pulses cumprod'd phases = np.array( [np.ones_like(omega)] + [pls.get_total_phases(omega) for pls in pulses[:-1]] ).cumprod(axis=0) # Get the transfer matrices for the individual gates N = len(newpulse.basis) L = np.empty((len(pulses), N, N)) L[0] = np.identity(N) for i in range(1, len(pulses)): L[i] = pulses[i-1].total_propagator_liouville @ L[i-1] # Get the control matrices for each pulse (agnostic of if it was cached or # not). Those are the 'new' pulse control matrices. Sort them along the # axis belonging to the noise operators control_matrix_atomic = np.empty((len(pulses), len(newpulse.n_opers), N, len(omega)), dtype=complex) n_dt_segs = [len(pulse.dt) for pulse in pulses] seg_idx = [0] + list(accumulate(n_dt_segs)) for i, (pulse, idx) in enumerate(zip(pulses, n_opers_present)): control_matrix_atomic[i, idx] = pulse.get_control_matrix(omega, show_progressbar) if not idx.all(): # calculate the control matrix for the noise operators that are # not present in pulse control_matrix_atomic[i, ~idx] = numeric.calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch( pulse.eigvals, pulse.eigvecs, pulse.propagators, omega, pulse.basis, newpulse.n_opers[~idx], newpulse.n_coeffs[~idx, seg_idx[i]:seg_idx[i+1]], pulse.dt, t=pulse.t, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=False ) # Set the total propagator for possible future concatenations (if not done # so above) if not newpulse.is_cached('total_propagator'): newpulse.total_propagator = util.mdot([pls.total_propagator for pls in pulses][::-1]) newpulse.cache_total_phases(omega) newpulse.total_propagator_liouville = liouville_representation(newpulse.total_propagator, newpulse.basis) control_matrix = numeric.calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic( phases, control_matrix_atomic, L, show_progressbar, 'correlations' if calc_pulse_correlation_FF else 'total' ) # Set the attribute and calculate filter function (if the pulse correlation # FF has been calculated, this is a little overhead but negligible) newpulse.cache_filter_function(omega, control_matrix, which=which) return newpulse
[docs]def concatenate_periodic(pulse: PulseSequence, repeats: int) -> PulseSequence: r""" Concatenate a pulse sequence *pulse* whose Hamiltonian is periodic *repeats* times. Although performing the same task, this function is much faster for concatenating many identical pulses with filter functions than :func:`concatenate`. Note that for large dimensions, the calculation of the control matrix using this function might be very memory intensive. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The ``PulseSequence`` instance to be repeated. If it has a cached filter function, the filter function for the new pulse will also be computed. repeats: int The number of repetitions Returns ------- newpulse: PulseSequence The concatenated ``PulseSequence`` Notes ----- The total control matrix is given by .. math:: \tilde{\mathcal{B}}(\omega) &= \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(1)}(\omega) \sum_{g=0}^{G-1} \left(e^{i\omega T}\right)^g \\ &= \tilde{\mathcal{B}}^{(1)}(\omega)\bigl( \mathbb{I} - e^{i\omega T} \mathcal{Q}^{(1)}\bigr)^{-1}\bigl( \mathbb{I} - \bigl(e^{i\omega T} \mathcal{Q}^{(1)}\bigr)^G\bigr). with :math:`T` the period of the control Hamiltonian and :math:`G` the number of periods. The last equality is valid only if :math:`\mathbb{I} - e^{i\omega T}\mathcal{Q}^{(1)}` is invertible. See also -------- concatenate: Concatenate arbitrary PulseSequences. """ try: # Do awkward checking for type if not hasattr(pulse, 'c_opers'): raise TypeError('Can only concatenate PulseSequences!') except TypeError: raise TypeError(f'Expected pulses to be iterable, not {type(pulse)}') # Initialize a new PulseSequence instance with the Hamiltonians sequenced # (this is much easier than in the general case, thus do it on the fly) dt = np.tile(pulse.dt, repeats) newpulse = PulseSequence( c_opers=pulse.c_opers, n_opers=pulse.n_opers, c_oper_identifiers=pulse.c_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers=pulse.n_oper_identifiers, c_coeffs=np.tile(pulse.c_coeffs, (1, repeats)), n_coeffs=np.tile(pulse.n_coeffs, (1, repeats)), dt=dt, d=pulse.d, basis=pulse.basis ) newpulse.tau = repeats*pulse.tau if not pulse.is_cached('control_matrix'): # No cached filter functions to reuse and pulse correlation FFs not # requested. If they were, continue even if there are no cached FF # they cannot be computed anymore afterwards. return newpulse phases_at = pulse.get_total_phases( control_matrix_at = pulse.get_control_matrix( total_propagator_liouville_at = pulse.total_propagator_liouville newpulse.total_propagator = nla.matrix_power(pulse.total_propagator, repeats) newpulse.cache_total_phases( control_matrix_tot = numeric.calculate_control_matrix_periodic(phases_at, control_matrix_at, total_propagator_liouville_at, repeats) newpulse.cache_filter_function(, control_matrix_tot) return newpulse
[docs]def remap(pulse: PulseSequence, order: Sequence[int], d_per_qubit: int = 2, oper_identifier_mapping: Mapping[str, str] = None) -> PulseSequence: """ Remap a PulseSequence by changing the order of qubits in the register. Cached attributes are automatically attempted to be retained. .. caution:: This function simply permutes the order of the tensor product elements of control and noise operators. Thus, the resultant pulse will have its filter functions defined for different noise operators than the original one. Parameters ---------- pulse: PulseSequence The pulse whose qubit order should be permuted. order: sequence of ints A list of permutation indices. E.g., if *pulse* is defined for two qubits, ``order == [1, 0]`` will reverse the order of qubits. d_per_qubit: int (default: 2) The size of the Hilbert space a single qubit inhabitates. oper_identifier_mapping: dict_like A mapping that maps operator identifiers from the old pulse to the remapped pulse. The default is the identity mapping. Returns ------- remapped_pulse: PulseSequence A new ``PulseSequence`` instance with the order of the qubits permuted according to *order*. Examples -------- >>> X, Y = util.paulis[1:3] >>> XY, YX = util.tensor(X, Y), util.tensor(Y, X) >>> pulse = PulseSequence([[XY, [np.pi/2], 'XY']], [[YX, [1], 'YX']], [1], ... Basis.pauli(2)) >>> mapping = {'XY': 'YX', 'YX': 'XY'} >>> remapped_pulse = remap(pulse, (1, 0), oper_identifier_mapping=mapping) >>> target_pulse = PulseSequence([[YX, [np.pi/2], 'YX']], ... [[XY, [1], 'XY']], [1], Basis.pauli(2)) >>> remapped_pulse == target_pulse True Caching of attributes is automatically handled >>> remapped_pulse.is_cached('filter_function') False >>> pulse.cache_filter_function(util.get_sample_frequencies(pulse)) >>> remapped_pulse = remap(pulse, (1, 0)) >>> remapped_pulse.is_cached('filter_function') True See Also -------- extend: Map PulseSequences to composite Hilbert spaces. util.tensor_transpose: Transpose the order of a tensor product. """ # Number of qubits N = int(np.log(pulse.d)/np.log(d_per_qubit)) # Transpose control and noise operators c_opers = util.tensor_transpose(pulse.c_opers, order, [[d_per_qubit]*N]*2) n_opers = util.tensor_transpose(pulse.n_opers, order, [[d_per_qubit]*N]*2) # Remap identifiers c_oper_identifiers, c_sort_idx = _map_identifiers(pulse.c_oper_identifiers, oper_identifier_mapping) n_oper_identifiers, n_sort_idx = _map_identifiers(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, oper_identifier_mapping) remapped_pulse = PulseSequence( c_opers=c_opers[c_sort_idx], n_opers=n_opers[n_sort_idx], c_oper_identifiers=c_oper_identifiers[c_sort_idx], n_oper_identifiers=n_oper_identifiers[n_sort_idx], c_coeffs=pulse.c_coeffs[c_sort_idx], n_coeffs=pulse.n_coeffs[n_sort_idx], dt=pulse.dt, d=pulse.d, basis=pulse.basis ) remapped_pulse.t = pulse._t remapped_pulse.tau = pulse._tau if pulse.is_cached('eigvals'): remapped_pulse.eigvals = util.tensor_transpose(pulse.eigvals, order, [[d_per_qubit]*N], rank=1) for attr in ('eigvecs', 'propagators', 'total_propagator'): if pulse.is_cached(attr): setattr(remapped_pulse, attr, util.tensor_transpose(getattr(pulse, attr), order, [[d_per_qubit]*N]*2)) if not pulse.is_cached('omega'): # If no frequencies are cached, stop here return remapped_pulse omega = if pulse.is_cached('total_phases'): remapped_pulse.cache_total_phases(omega, pulse.get_total_phases(omega)) if pulse.is_cached('filter_function'): remapped_filter_function = pulse.get_filter_function(omega)[n_sort_idx[:, None], n_sort_idx[None, :]] remapped_pulse.cache_filter_function(omega, filter_function=remapped_filter_function) if pulse.is_cached('total_propagator_liouville') or pulse.is_cached('control_matrix'): if pulse.basis.btype != 'Pauli': warn('pulse does not have a separable basis which is needed to ' + 'retain cached control matrices.') return remapped_pulse perm = remap_pauli_basis_elements(order, N)[None, :] if pulse.is_cached('total_propagator_liouville'): remapped_pulse.total_propagator_liouville = np.empty_like( pulse.total_propagator_liouville ) remapped_pulse.total_propagator_liouville[perm.T, perm] = \ pulse.total_propagator_liouville if pulse.is_cached('control_matrix'): pulse_control_matrix = pulse.get_control_matrix(omega) remapped_control_matrix = np.empty_like(pulse_control_matrix) remapped_control_matrix[n_sort_idx.argsort()[:, None], perm] = pulse_control_matrix remapped_pulse.cache_control_matrix(omega, remapped_control_matrix) return remapped_pulse
[docs]def extend( pulse_to_qubit_mapping: PulseMapping, N: Optional[int] = None, d_per_qubit: int = 2, additional_noise_Hamiltonian: Optional[Hamiltonian] = None, cache_diagonalization: Optional[bool] = None, cache_filter_function: Optional[bool] = None, omega: Optional[Coefficients] = None, show_progressbar: bool = False ) -> PulseSequence: r""" Map one or more pulse sequences to different qubits. Parameters ---------- pulse_to_qubit_mapping: sequence of mapping tuples A sequence of tuples with the first entry a ``PulseSequence`` instance and the second an ``int`` or tuple of ``int``\s indicating the qubits that the ``PulseSequence`` should be mapped to. A mapping of operator identifiers may optionally be given as a third element of each tuple. By default, the index of the qubit the operator is mapped to is appended to its identifier. Pulse sequences defined for multiple qubits may also be extended to non-neighboring qubits. Note that for multi-qubit pulses the order of the qubits is respected, i.e. mapping a pulse to (1, 0) is different from mapping it to (0, 1). N: int The total number of qubits the new ``PulseSequence`` should be defined for. By default, this is inferred from ``pulse_to_qubit_mapping``. d_per_qubit: int The size of the Hilbert space a single qubit requires. additional_noise_Hamiltonian: list of lists Additional noise operators and corresponding sensitivities for the new pulse sequence. cache_diagonalization: bool Force diagonalizing the new pulse sequence. By default, diagonalization is cached if all pulses in ``pulse_to_qubit_mapping`` have been diagonalized since it is much cheaper to get the relevant quantities as tensor products from the mapped pulses instead of diagonalizing the new pulse. cache_filter_function: bool Force computing the filter functions for the new pulse sequence. Noise operators of individual pulses will be extended to the new Hilbert space. By default, this is done if all pulses in ``pulse_to_qubit_mapping`` have their filter functions cached. Note that extending the filter functions is only possible if they the mapped pulses are using a separable basis like the Pauli basis. omega: array_like Frequencies for which to compute the filter functions if ``cache_filter_function == True``. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the cached frequencies of the individual pulses need to be the same. show_progressbar: bool Show a progress bar for the calculation of the control matrix. Returns ------- newpulse: PulseSequence The new pulse sequence on the larger qubit register. The noise operators (and possibly filter functions) are stored in the following order: first those of the multi-qubit pulses in the order they appeared in ``pulse_to_qubit_mapping``, then those of the single-qubit pulses, and lastly any additional ones that may be given by ``additional_noise_Hamiltonian``. Examples -------- >>> import filter_functions as ff >>> I, X, Y, Z = ff.util.paulis >>> X_pulse = ff.PulseSequence([[X, [np.pi/2], 'X']], ... [[X, [1], 'X'], [Z, [1], 'Z']], ... [1], basis=ff.Basis.pauli(1)) >>> XX_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (X_pulse, 1)]) >>> XX_pulse.d 4 >>> XIX_pulse_1 = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (X_pulse, 2)]) >>> XIX_pulse_1.d 8 >>> XXI_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (X_pulse, 1)], N=3) >>> XXI_pulse.d 8 Filter functions are automatically cached if they are for mapped pulses: >>> omega = ff.util.get_sample_frequencies(X_pulse) >>> X_pulse.cache_filter_function(omega) >>> XX_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (X_pulse, 1)]) >>> XX_pulse.is_cached('filter_function') True This behavior can also be overriden manually: >>> XX_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (X_pulse, 1)], ... cache_filter_function=False) >>> XX_pulse.is_cached('filter_function') False Mapping pulses to non-neighboring qubits is also possible: >>> Y_pulse = ff.PulseSequence([[Y, [np.pi/2], 'Y']], ... [[Y, [1], 'Y'], [Z, [1], 'Z']], ... [1], basis=ff.Basis.pauli(1)) >>> XXY_pulse = ff.extend([(XX_pulse, (0, 1)), (Y_pulse, 2)]) >>> XYX_pulse = ff.extend([(XX_pulse, (0, 2)), (Y_pulse, 1)]) Additionally, pulses can have the order of the qubits they are defined for permuted (see :func:`remap`): >>> Z_pulse = ff.PulseSequence([[Z, [np.pi/2], 'Z']], [[Z, [1], 'Z']], ... [1], basis=ff.Basis.pauli(1)) >>> XY_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 0), (Y_pulse, 1)]) >>> YZX_pulse = ff.extend([(XY_pulse, (2, 0)), (Z_pulse, 1)]) Control and noise operator identifiers can be mapped according to a specified mapping: >>> YX_pulse = ff.extend([(X_pulse, 1, {'X': 'IX', 'Z': 'IZ'}), ... (Y_pulse, 0, {'Y': 'YI', 'Z': 'ZI'})]) >>> YX_pulse.c_oper_identifiers array(['IX', 'YI'], dtype='<U2') >>> YX_pulse.n_oper_identifiers array(['IX', 'IZ', 'YI', 'ZI'], dtype='<U2') We can also add an additional noise Hamiltonian: >>> H_n = [[ff.util.tensor(Z, Z, Z), [1], 'ZZZ']] >>> XYX_pulse = ff.extend([(XX_pulse, (0, 2)), (Y_pulse, 1)], ... additional_noise_Hamiltonian=H_n) >>> 'ZZZ' in XYX_pulse.n_oper_identifiers True See Also -------- remap: Map PulseSequence to a different qubit. concatenate: Concatenate PulseSequences (in time). concatenate_periodic: Periodically concatenate a PulseSequence. """ # Parse pulse_to_qubit_mapping active_qubits_list = [] single_qubit_pulses = [] multi_qubit_pulses = [] single_qubit_identifier_mappings = [] multi_qubit_identifier_mappings = [] single_qubit_idx = [] multi_qubit_idx = [] # Unpack and pack again pulses, *args = zip_longest(*pulse_to_qubit_mapping, fillvalue=None) if len(args) == 1: qubits = args[0] identifier_mappings = [None]*len(qubits) elif len(args) == 2: qubits = args[0] identifier_mappings = list(args[1]) else: qubits = args[0] identifier_mappings = list(args[1]) for pulse, qubit, id_mapping in zip(pulses, qubits, identifier_mappings): try: active_qubits_list.extend(qubit) if len(qubit) == 1: single_qubit_idx.extend(qubit) single_qubit_pulses.append(pulse) single_qubit_identifier_mappings.append(id_mapping) else: # sort the qubit tuple and get the sorting indices sorted_qubit, order = zip(*sorted(zip(qubit, range(len(qubit))))) if qubit == sorted_qubit: # No need to remap sorted_pulse = pulse else: # remap the pulse in the given order try: sorted_pulse = remap(pulse, order, d_per_qubit) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f'Could not remap {repr(pulse)} mapped ' + f'to qubits {qubit}. Do the dimensions match?') from err multi_qubit_idx.append(list(sorted_qubit)) multi_qubit_pulses.append(sorted_pulse) multi_qubit_identifier_mappings.append(id_mapping) except TypeError: # qubit is not iterable, ie single qubit active_qubits_list.append(int(qubit)) single_qubit_idx.append(int(qubit)) single_qubit_pulses.append(pulse) single_qubit_identifier_mappings.append(id_mapping) if not all(pulse.d == d_per_qubit for pulse in single_qubit_pulses): raise ValueError('Not all single-qubit pulses have dimension ' + f'd_per_qubit = {d_per_qubit}.') if not all(pulse.d == d_per_qubit**len(qubits) for pulse, qubits in zip(multi_qubit_pulses, multi_qubit_idx)): raise ValueError('Not all multi-qubit pulses have correct dimension!') # Get lists of pulses in deterministic order pulses = multi_qubit_pulses + single_qubit_pulses idx = multi_qubit_idx + single_qubit_idx if not util.all_array_equal((pulse.dt for pulse in pulses)): raise ValueError('All pulses should be defined on the same time steps') active_qubits = set(active_qubits_list) if len(active_qubits) != len(active_qubits_list): raise ValueError('Qubit clash: multiple pulses mapped to same qubit!') last_qubit = max(active_qubits) if N is None: N = last_qubit + 1 else: if last_qubit + 1 > N: raise ValueError('Number of qubits N smaller than highest qubit ' + f'index + 1 = {last_qubit + 1}') if len(pulse_to_qubit_mapping) == 1: # return input pulse if not mapped to another qubit if multi_qubit_idx: if N == len(multi_qubit_idx[0]): warn('Single multi-qubit pulse given and mapped to its ' + 'original qubits. Returning the same.') return multi_qubit_pulses[0] if single_qubit_idx: if N == 1: warn('Single single-qubit pulse given and mapped to its ' + 'original qubit. Returning the same.') return single_qubit_pulses[0] if cache_filter_function is not False: # Cache filter function of extended pulse if cached before for the same # frequencies is_cached = all(pulse.is_cached('control_matrix') for pulse in pulses) try: equal_omega = util.all_array_equal(( for pulse in pulses)) except AttributeError: equal_omega = False if cache_filter_function is None: # automatically decide whether to cache filter function cache_filter_function = is_cached and equal_omega if cache_filter_function: omega = pulses[0].omega else: # cache_filter_function == True if omega is None: if not equal_omega: raise ValueError('Filter function should be cached but omega was not ' + 'provided and could not be inferred.') omega = pulses[0].omega if cache_diagonalization is None: if cache_filter_function and additional_noise_Hamiltonian is not None: # Need the diagonalization cache_diagonalization = True else: # Extend propagators, eigenvalue and -vector arrays if calculated attrs = ('eigvals', 'eigvecs', 'propagators') cache_diagonalization = all(pulse.is_cached(attr) for attr in attrs for pulse in pulses) elif (cache_diagonalization is False and additional_noise_Hamiltonian is not None): raise ValueError('Additional noise Hamiltonian given and ' + 'cache_diagonalization set to False but required.') # Multi-qubit opers and coeffs all_qubits = {q for q in range(N)} d = d_per_qubit**N n_dt = len(pulses[0].dt) ID = np.identity(d_per_qubit) c_opers, c_oper_identifiers, c_coeffs = [], [], [] n_opers, n_oper_identifiers, n_coeffs = [], [], [] for pulse, qubits, id_mapping in zip(multi_qubit_pulses, multi_qubit_idx, multi_qubit_identifier_mappings): pos = [bisect.bisect(qubits, q) for q in all_qubits.difference(qubits)] # map the identifiers c_oper_identifier, _ = _map_identifiers(*_default_extend_mapping(pulse.c_oper_identifiers, id_mapping, qubits)) n_oper_identifier, _ = _map_identifiers(*_default_extend_mapping(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, id_mapping, qubits)) c_oper_identifiers.extend(c_oper_identifier) n_oper_identifiers.extend(n_oper_identifier) c_opers.extend(util.tensor_insert(pulse.c_opers, *[ID]*len(pos), pos=pos, arr_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(qubits)]*2)) n_opers.extend(util.tensor_insert(pulse.n_opers, *[ID]*len(pos), pos=pos, arr_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(qubits)]*2)) c_coeffs.extend(pulse.c_coeffs) n_coeffs.extend(pulse.n_coeffs) # Single-qubit opers and coeffs for pulse, qubit, id_mapping in zip(single_qubit_pulses, single_qubit_idx, single_qubit_identifier_mappings): ID_pre = [np.identity(d_per_qubit**qubit)] if qubit > 0 else [] ID_post = [np.identity(d_per_qubit**(N - qubit - 1))] if qubit < N - 1 else [] # map the identifiers c_oper_identifier, _ = _map_identifiers(*_default_extend_mapping(pulse.c_oper_identifiers, id_mapping, qubit)) n_oper_identifier, _ = _map_identifiers(*_default_extend_mapping(pulse.n_oper_identifiers, id_mapping, qubit)) c_oper_identifiers.extend(c_oper_identifier) n_oper_identifiers.extend(n_oper_identifier) # extend control and noise operators c_opers.extend(util.tensor(*(ID_pre + [pulse.c_opers] + ID_post))) n_opers.extend(util.tensor(*(ID_pre + [pulse.n_opers] + ID_post))) c_coeffs.extend(pulse.c_coeffs) n_coeffs.extend(pulse.n_coeffs) # Add optional additional noise Hamiltonian if additional_noise_Hamiltonian is not None: noise_args = _parse_Hamiltonian( additional_noise_Hamiltonian, len(pulses[0].dt), 'H_n' ) add_n_opers, add_n_oper_id, add_n_coeffs = noise_args if add_n_opers.shape[1:] != (d, d): raise ValueError(f'Expected additional noise operators to have dimensions {(d, d)}, ' + f'not {add_n_opers.shape[1:]}.') if any(n_oper_id in n_oper_identifiers for n_oper_id in add_n_oper_id): identifiers = set(n_oper_identifiers).intersection(add_n_oper_id) raise ValueError(f'Found duplicate noise operator identifiers: {identifiers}') n_opers.extend(add_n_opers) n_coeffs.extend(add_n_coeffs) n_oper_identifiers.extend(add_n_oper_id) pulse_btypes = list(set(pulse.basis.btype for pulse in pulses)) if not len(pulse_btypes) == 1: warn('Not all pulses had the same basis type. Cannot retain cached control matrices.') basis = Basis.ggm(d_per_qubit**N) else: btype = pulse_btypes[0] if btype == 'GGM': warn('Original pulses had GGM basis which is not separable into ' + 'a tensor product. Cannot retain cached control matrices.') basis = Basis.ggm(d_per_qubit**N) elif btype == 'Pauli': basis = Basis.pauli(N) else: warn('Original pulses had custom basis which I cannot extend.') basis = Basis.ggm(d_per_qubit**N) # Sort the identifiers c_sort_idx = np.argsort(c_oper_identifiers) n_sort_idx = np.argsort(n_oper_identifiers) newpulse = PulseSequence( c_opers=np.asarray(c_opers)[c_sort_idx], n_opers=np.asarray(n_opers)[n_sort_idx], c_oper_identifiers=np.asarray(c_oper_identifiers)[c_sort_idx], n_oper_identifiers=np.asarray(n_oper_identifiers)[n_sort_idx], c_coeffs=np.asarray(c_coeffs)[c_sort_idx], n_coeffs=np.asarray(n_coeffs)[n_sort_idx], dt=pulses[0].dt, d=d, basis=basis ) newpulse.t = pulses[0]._t newpulse.tau = pulses[0]._tau if newpulse.basis.btype != 'Pauli': # Cannot do any extensions if cache_diagonalization: newpulse.diagonalize() if cache_filter_function: newpulse.cache_filter_function(omega) return newpulse if cache_diagonalization: eigvals = np.zeros((n_dt, d_per_qubit**N)) eigvecs, propagators = None, None # registers keeps track of the qubits already tensored registers = None for pulse, qubits in zip(multi_qubit_pulses, multi_qubit_idx): # Insert ones into eigvals at these positions HD_pos = [bisect.bisect(qubits, q) for q in all_qubits.difference(qubits)] eigvals += util.tensor_insert(pulse.eigvals, *np.ones((len(HD_pos), d_per_qubit)), pos=HD_pos, rank=1, arr_dims=[[d_per_qubit]*len(qubits)]) (eigvecs, propagators), registers = _merge_attrs([eigvecs, propagators], [pulse.eigvecs, pulse.propagators], d_per_qubit, registers, qubits) for pulse, qubit in zip(single_qubit_pulses, single_qubit_idx): # For single qubit pulses we can just use normal tensor for eigvals ones_pre = [np.ones(d_per_qubit**qubit)] if qubit > 0 else [] ones_post = [np.ones(d_per_qubit**(N - qubit - 1))] if qubit < N - 1 else [] eigvals += util.tensor(*(ones_pre + [pulse.eigvals] + ones_post), rank=1) (eigvecs, propagators), registers = _insert_attrs([eigvecs, propagators], [pulse.eigvecs, pulse.propagators], d_per_qubit, registers, qubit) # Fill up registers no qubits have been mapped to with identities ID_idx = list(all_qubits.difference(active_qubits)) if ID_idx: (eigvecs, propagators), registers = _merge_attrs([eigvecs, propagators], [np.eye(d_per_qubit**len(ID_idx))]*2, d_per_qubit, registers, ID_idx) # Set the new pulses's attributes newpulse.eigvals = eigvals newpulse.eigvecs = eigvecs newpulse.propagators = propagators # Set total propagator (easier to just grab after propagators has been # calculated than tensor separately) newpulse.total_propagator = propagators[-1] elif all(pulse.is_cached('total_propagator') for pulse in pulses): total_propagator = None # registers keeps track of the qubits already tensored registers = None for pulse, qubits in zip(multi_qubit_pulses, multi_qubit_idx): (total_propagator,), registers = _merge_attrs([total_propagator], [pulse.total_propagator], d_per_qubit, registers, qubits) for pulse, qubit in zip(single_qubit_pulses, single_qubit_idx): (total_propagator,), registers = _insert_attrs([total_propagator], [pulse.total_propagator], d_per_qubit, registers, qubit) # Fill up registers no qubits have been mapped to with identities ID_idx = list(all_qubits.difference(active_qubits)) if ID_idx: (total_propagator,), registers = _merge_attrs([total_propagator], [np.eye(d_per_qubit**len(ID_idx))]*2, d_per_qubit, registers, ID_idx) newpulse.total_propagator = total_propagator if cache_filter_function: = omega n_nops_new = len(newpulse.n_opers) control_matrix = np.zeros((n_nops_new, (d_per_qubit**N)**2, len(omega)), dtype=complex) filter_function = np.zeros((n_nops_new, n_nops_new, len(omega)), dtype=complex) n_ops_counter = 0 for ind, pulse in zip(idx, pulses): n_nops = len(pulse.n_opers) ind = [ind] if isinstance(ind, int) else ind # Indices in newpulse.basis of the pulse.basis elements basis_idx = equivalent_pauli_basis_elements(ind, N) # Indices in newpulse.n_opers of the pulse.n_opers elements n_oper_idx = slice(n_ops_counter, n_ops_counter + n_nops) n_ops_counter += n_nops # Need to scale the control matrix and filter function scaling_factor = d_per_qubit**(N - len(ind)) control_matrix[n_oper_idx, basis_idx] = pulse.get_control_matrix( omega, show_progressbar=show_progressbar )*np.sqrt(scaling_factor) filter_function[n_oper_idx, n_oper_idx] = pulse.get_filter_function( omega, show_progressbar=show_progressbar )*scaling_factor if additional_noise_Hamiltonian is not None: newpulse_n_oper_inds = util.get_indices_from_identifiers( newpulse.n_oper_identifiers, n_oper_identifiers[n_ops_counter:] ) control_matrix[n_ops_counter:] = numeric.calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch( newpulse.eigvals, newpulse.eigvecs, newpulse.propagators, omega, newpulse.basis, newpulse.n_opers[newpulse_n_oper_inds], newpulse.n_coeffs[newpulse_n_oper_inds], newpulse.dt, t=newpulse.t, show_progressbar=show_progressbar, cache_intermediates=False ) filter_function[n_ops_counter:, n_ops_counter:] = numeric.calculate_filter_function( control_matrix[n_ops_counter:] ) newpulse.cache_total_phases(omega) newpulse.total_propagator_liouville = liouville_representation(newpulse.total_propagator, newpulse.basis) newpulse.cache_control_matrix(omega, control_matrix[n_sort_idx]) newpulse.cache_filter_function(omega, filter_function=filter_function[n_sort_idx[:, None], n_sort_idx[None, :]]) return newpulse