Source code for filter_functions.superoperator

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#     filter_functions
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This module provides some functions related to superoperators and
quantum maps.

    Calculate the Liouville representation of a unitary with respect to
    a basis
    Convert from Liouville to Choi matrix representation.
    Check if superoperator in Liouville representation is completely
    Check if superoperator in Liouville representation is conditional

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as nla
from numpy import ndarray

from . import basis as _b

[docs]def liouville_representation(U: ndarray, basis: _b.Basis) -> ndarray: r""" Get the Liouville representaion of the unitary U with respect to the basis. Parameters ---------- U: ndarray, shape (..., d, d) The unitary. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The basis used for the representation, e.g. a Pauli basis. Returns ------- R: ndarray, shape (..., d**2, d**2) The Liouville representation of U. Notes ----- The Liouville representation of a unitary quantum operation :math:`\mathcal{U}:\rho\rightarrow U\rho U^\dagger` is given by .. math:: \mathcal{U}_{ij} = \mathrm{tr}(C_i U C_j U^\dagger) with :math:`C_i` elements of the basis spanning :math:`\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}` with :math:`d` the dimension of the Hilbert space. """ U = np.asanyarray(U) conjugated_basis = np.einsum(',ibc,>...iad', U.conj(), basis, U, optimize=['einsum_path', (1, 2), (0, 1)]) if basis.btype == 'GGM' and basis.d > 12: # Can do closed form expansion and overhead compensated return _b.ggm_expand(conjugated_basis, hermitian=basis.isherm) else: return _b.expand(conjugated_basis, basis, hermitian=basis.isherm)
[docs]def liouville_to_choi(superoperator: ndarray, basis: _b.Basis) -> ndarray: r"""Convert from Liouville to Choi matrix representation. Parameters ---------- superoperator: ndarray, shape (..., d**2, d**2) The Liouville representation of a superoperator. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The operator basis defining the Liouville representation. Notes ----- The Choi matrix is given by .. math:: \mathrm{choi}(\mathcal{S}) &= (\mathbb{I}\otimes\mathcal{S}) (|\Omega\rangle\langle\Omega|) \\ &= \sum_{ij} E_{ij}\otimes\mathcal{S}(E_{ij}) \\ &= \sum_{ij}\mathcal{S}_{ij} C_j^T\otimes C_i where :math:`|\Omega\rangle` is a maximally entangled state, :math:`E_{ij} = |i\rangle\langle j|`, and :math:`C_i` are the basis elements that define the Liouville representation :math:`\mathcal{S}_{ij}` [Mer13]_. Returns ------- choi: ndarray, shape (..., d**2, d**2) The Choi matrix representation of the superoperator. References ---------- .. [Mer13] Merkel, S. T. et al. Self-consistent quantum process tomography. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 87, 062119 (2013). See Also -------- liouville_representation: Calculate Liouville representation of a unitary. liouville_is_CP: Test if a superoperator is completely positive (CP). liouville_is_cCP: Test if a superoperator is conditional CP. """ choi = np.einsum('...ij,jba,icd->...acbd', superoperator, basis, basis, optimize=['einsum_path', (0, 1), (0, 1)]).reshape(superoperator.shape) return choi
[docs]def liouville_is_CP( superoperator: ndarray, basis: _b.Basis, return_eig: Optional[bool] = False, atol: Optional[float] = None ) -> Union[bool, Tuple[bool, Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]]: r"""Test if a Liouville superoperator is completely positive (CP). Parameters ---------- superoperator: ndarray, shape (..., d**2, d**2) The superoperator in Liouville representation to be checked for CPness. basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The operator basis defining the Liouville representation. return_eig: bool, optional Return the tuple of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Choi matrix. The default is False. atol: float, optional Absolute tolerance for the complete positivity. Returns ------- CP: bool, (shape (...,)) The (array, if broadcasted) of bools indicating if superoperator is CP. (D, V): Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Choi matrix (only if return_eig is True). Notes ----- A superoperator :math:`\mathcal{S}` is completely positive (CP) if and only if its Choi matrix representation is positive semidefinite: .. math:: \mathcal{S}\text{ is CP }\Leftrightarrow \mathrm{choi}(\mathcal{S})\geq 0. See Also -------- liouville_representation: Calculate Liouville representation of a unitary. Liouville_to_choi: Convert from Liouville to Choi matrix representation. liouville_is_cCP: Test if a superoperator is conditional CP. """ choi = liouville_to_choi(superoperator, basis) D, V = nla.eigh(choi) CP = (D >= -(atol or basis._atol)).all(axis=-1) if return_eig: return CP, (D, V) return CP
[docs]def liouville_is_cCP( superoperator: ndarray, basis: _b.Basis, return_eig: Optional[bool] = False, atol: Optional[float] = None ) -> Union[bool, Tuple[bool, Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]]: r"""Test if a Liouville superoperator is conditional completely positive. Parameters ---------- superoperator: ndarray, shape (..., d**2, d**2) The superoperator in Liouville representation to be checked for cCPness basis: Basis, shape (d**2, d, d) The operator basis defining the Liouville representation. return_eig: bool, optional Return the tuple of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Choi matrix projected on the complement of the maximally entangled state. The default is False. atol: float, optional Absolute tolerance for the complete positivity. Returns ------- cCP: bool, (shape (...,)) The (array, if broadcasted) of bools indicating if superoperator is cCP (D, V): Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the projected Choi matrix (only if return_eig is True). Notes ----- A superoperator :math:`\mathcal{S}` is conditional completely positive (cCP) if and only if its Choi matrix projected on the complement of the maximally entangled state is positive semidefinite: .. math:: \mathcal{S}\text{ is cCP }\Leftrightarrow Q\mathrm{choi}(\mathcal{S})Q\geq 0 with :math:`Q = \mathbb{I} - |\Omega\rangle\langle\Omega|`. See Also -------- liouville_representation: Calculate Liouville representation of a unitary. Liouville_to_choi: Convert from Liouville to Choi matrix representation. liouville_is_CP: Test if a superoperator is CP. """ d2 = superoperator.shape[-1] d = int(np.sqrt(d2)) # Maximally entangled state Omega = np.zeros(d2, dtype=float) Omega[::d+1] = 1/np.sqrt(d) Omega = np.multiply.outer(Omega, Omega) # Projector onto complement of Omega Q = np.eye(Omega.shape[-1]) - Omega choi = liouville_to_choi(superoperator, basis) D, V = nla.eigh(Q @ choi @ Q) cCP = (D >= -(atol or basis._atol)).all(axis=-1) if return_eig: return cCP, (D, V) return cCP